So, apparently Bike to School Day is just around the corner, and Active Trans is offering support in the form of curriculum materials and mini clif bars.

Anyone know of a school putting on a event?  Interested in organizing your own and brainstorming ideas?

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Anybody?  This forum is sufficiently active that new discussions don't get much time on the front page!

Well, they get time on the front page if people respond and the post actually turns into a discussion.

I'm hoping/assuming that the revised Chainlink won't suffer from the many flaws of its current vile horrendous nightmare of a platform: ning. A discussion board should be able to cram many more than 10 threads on its front page.

Elizabeth said:

Anybody?  This forum is sufficiently active that new discussions don't get much time on the front page!

I think it would be nice if our school did something given the relatively decent amount of parents and kids biking to school on a regular basis. But with school starting SO early, it's doubtful we could get the little ones on our bike train going any earlier than they already do. And with just a few weeks to go and so many other projects going on, it's unlikely anyone would be able to get something together in time. Maybe next year.

I'm talking to our school's admins now to see what can be done (turns out there's another event already that day, which complicates things).  I'd be happy with just an announcement in the all-school bulletin.  I'd be fine personally standing out front of the school handing out brochures (and kidical mass flyers) and mini clif bars to the bikers and walkers that come in.  


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