Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 12th - the trial for the bike thieves as discussed earlier:

Skokie Courthouse - Room 105, 1:30 PM

More details and discussion:

A bike ride up the North Branch Trail, runs right by Old Orchard Road where the courthouse is located.  

Beware of the usual restriction of what you can carry inside the building, but do wear a helmet and look like a bike rider supporting the prosecution.

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Time to dust off this thread for tomorrow's arraignment.

"Robertson and Torres are scheduled to be arraigned at 9:30 a.m. Aug. 8 at the Skokie branch of the county court system. At that time, they will enter a plea."

Anyone know if it is Room 105 again if any of us have a chance to attend?  (I might have some time tomorrow)

Aaarg!  Meeting this morning, I can't make it to the court.


If anyone goes, please make a post here on the status, arraignment, and/or the trial date.




Any news?

Yes...and no.  The arraignment this morning in Room 206, in front of Judge Larry Axelrood went VERY quickly (maybe a minute or two at most) and the acoustics in the courtroom (no amplification) were such that I couldn't hear very much of what was said.  Gilberto stood on the left, appearing very unhappy, facing the judge, wearing his prison uniform, with an armed bailiff standing behind him, ready to smack him down if he made a break for it.  Their lawyer stood in the middle and Kenny stood to the right of the lawyer, looking nervous and fidgety.  I saw no head nods or smiles between Kenny and Gilberto; in fact it looked to me like Kenny was keeping his distance, though the lawyer may have instructed them beforehand on this.  What I heard sounded like:

(Lawyer)...motion for discovery...(mumble, mumble)...discovery.

(Asst. States Atty.)...(mumble, mumble)..discovery.

(Judge)..discovery.  9/6?

(Lawyer) 9/6.

(Asst. States Atty.) 9/6.

And with that, Gilberto was whisked out the side door to await the prison van, while the lawyer and Kenny walked quickly down the center aisle and out the back door.

So, I'm not sure if September 6 is another appearance of some sort, or is the date by which the States Attorney must convey all the evidence to the defense in a "discovery motion."

Sorry, I did my best to hear and make sense out of what I was seeing, but it was impossible to hear much and everything was over in seconds.  I'm a failure as a court reporter.  :-(

Gabe said:

Any news?
Did you at least get any good sketches?

Thunder Snow said:

  I'm a failure as a court reporter.  :-(

No, I was trying so hard to mentally filter out the steam-engine-like hyperventilating wheezing of the 300 pound mouth breather defendant sitting directly across the aisle from me (awaiting his turn up before the judge) to even think of making a drawing.  A courtroom is a fairly unpleasant place to be.

Kevin C said:

Did you at least get any good sketches?

Actually, it was a very good report considering the circumstances.  I was there for the first trial.  You're sitting so far away from the judge and it's so hard to hear the proceedings it makes you wonder why it's called a "public trial." 


You should share your experience with the Hon. Judge Timothy Evans.  I think you can get email to him by trying which is the closest address I could get from the web site of the circuit court. 


Thanks, Thunder Snow, for going and sharing this with the rest of us.


Glad to be of some help (?).  This courtroom experience makes me never want to be arrested for anything as long as I live.

Bob Kastigar said:

Thanks, Thunder Snow, for going and sharing this with the rest of us.


Regarding the "photo-of-the-day"...I spotted (all that was left) a racing frame of my buddies. He informed me that he did do 'bikestolenregistry' but never was contacted. Only as many as six people have recovered their bike or what was left of it. I highly recommend that anyone that has had a bike stolen that fits this thief's the precinct where the evidence is being held. Who knows how well this evidence is being returned to owners...and only making more noise (phone calls) may help the outcome of the case.

I got this email from Andrea Hart, ( who wrote the original story:




Good to hear from you. They will be back in court around Sept. 8. I'm waiting to confirm the date. For now it's just a discovery of evidence. I'll let you know if I hear more asap.




If I get anything else from her, I'll let you know.  Hopefully she'll post the full story on the web again.



Nice work, Bob!

Bob Kastigar said:

I got this email from Andrea Hart, ( who wrote the original story:




Good to hear from you. They will be back in court around Sept. 8. I'm waiting to confirm the date. For now it's just a discovery of evidence. I'll let you know if I hear more asap.




If I get anything else from her, I'll let you know.  Hopefully she'll post the full story on the web again.



By the way, Kenny is now sporting a close-cropped goatee and is wearing oval-lensed glasses with very thin frames, so he looks slightly different than the picture a few posts up.  Just in case you happen to spot him poking around a bike rack in the next couple of weeks.  I think he needs money to pay his lawyer.


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