Just got back from the lakefront. Biked to Wilson and the path, ran 4 miles and was coming back and found an unmarked poice car, a patrol wagon, and six guys against the car. My front wheel was off but I was able to put it back on. Not quick release btw.

Turns out these guys had stolen a seat and tire from somebody's bike in front of Chava coffee (Leland/Wilson) right while the owner was in there She saw them, gave chase, called the cops, and the cops found the guys at the lakefront. They brought the owner by and kept her in the cop car to ID them.

Her wheel was on one of their beater bikes and they were carrying her seat.  So what they do is smart..they bike around and find hiqh quality bikes and then swap out the wheels to use on their beater  bikes until they sell the wheel. They were on mountain bikes so it looked strange with a fat mountain tire bike on the back and a road tire on the front (nice Shimano!).  My guess they would have swapped the seats too if they had the time. Mine is a hybrid with a comfort seat which they may not have been interested in.

The cops searched them and found an Allen wrench and several small knives. They said they couldn't charge them for my wheel theft because they didn't see them steal my tire (the boys said my tire was just sitting there!). My bike frame on a kryptonite and the locked tire were untouched. I lock the back tire because I have enclosed gears that would be stolen if the rear tire was taken.  

The cops kept saying that because they were juvies they will just get a slap on the wrist.  

I have been running by the lake for 10 years....never a problem with my bike though I never leave it  in the middle of a weekday.  Now I see I'll need to lock my second tire everywhere. At my health club in Andersonville - LSAC - nobody locks both tires - but I'm going to start doing it.

I've always wondered who steals things like tires and seats. These guys were obviously organized...with an Allen wrench and on bikes. Shocked there were six of them.  They were truly diverse...Hispanic, black, and South Asian from their looks.  Looked about 17.  None large or looked strong...would definitely have challenged them if I arrived while they were in the act.

The punk who had the Allen wrench and a knife was named Leonardo Chardo.  They cuffed him and one other guy.  

And no, I don't care if he is only 17;  he is still a thief.  I told them all they were thieves and that felt good. They seemed really humiliated up against the squad car..at least there for 25 minutes while I was there. Cops did a very nice job..thought didn't seem interested in seeing us going to court. I thanked them profusely.

So now even when I run or go out to the store I need to carry a second lock. What a pain!

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Or they could be somebody who does not have the financial means to replace their bike.  In the case of some of my bikes they are not easily replaceable due to rarity and age; seems worth being upset about to me if it gets stolen.

Shit may happen but that does not mean we need to take it lying down.

Jason said:

If getting something stolen makes you stop riding, you have larger problems than getting a wheel stolen. 

It's life, shit happens. 

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:


How about you decide what you want to get worked up about and we'll decide what we want to get worked up about? Bike theft is a crime against the environment. There are people who just give up riding after they suffer the injustice of a bike theft. Some of us expend considerable effort getting others to join the party and experience the joy of riding. To see that work undermined by theft is discouraging.


I guess its just how I view life.  Things happen, things are going to happen, you should just be prepared.  While somones $1,000 bike was stolen, someone had their $80,000 car stolen, and someone else lost their life.  So im not going to stress over some bum stealing my bike...but thats just me.

Its the reason why I ride a semi crap bike and dont care how it looks, whats the point?  
As long as there is a market, theft is going to happen.

Ive been commuting 365 for about 8 yrs and have only had a quick release wheel stolen (forgot a lock when I went to work).  Guess ive been lucky.
notoriousDUG said:

The theft of my, or anyone else's, transportation is a big deal...

It is also not just crack heads and teens; pay attention to the threads on bike thiefs here and you will see there are a lot of organized adults stealing large numbers of bikes.

Jason said:

I know we are all cyclist and take theft personally, but honestly, bike theft isnt that big of a deal.

We live in a city, there are much larger problems to get worked up about. 

Its mostly crackhead types, and teens doing it.  Petty theft.

Sorry for my sloppy writing..I don't post often anywhere :)

I waited there 25 minutes but the cops told me that they couldn't pursue charges on my wheel theft because there was no witness that saw them remove it and the guys said that the wheel was just there on the ground.  I suspect I could have pushed it but the cop in charge kept repeating that "they: just let these guys out because they are "juvies."  

The girl whose wheel and seat were taken were in the squad car and ID'ing these guys. They seemed a bit scared and didn't want to come out of the car.  It was definitely their bike parts and they made a clean ID I am pretty sure.  As I wrote, they literally watched these guys grab the parts right through Chava's front window (they told me what happened).

So I don't know how it ended up.  Two of the six were cuffed and the cops definitely weren't taking this lightly.  Six cops there and three squad cars (one unmarked).   But my sense - and this is purely speculation - that the cops didn't want to formally charge these guys given their belief that their juvenile status would get them right out.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

I'm confused by the OP's story. Were the thieves let of completely, or were they arrested and charged with the theft in front of Chava that had an eye witness, but not the theft on the LFP that only had circumstantial evidence? If the latter is the case, then the cop's decision was probably based on only pursuing the case that would hold up in court.

Interesting comment. I've only seen a few individual wheels sold on eBay  (I have had to replace wheels before) and shipping wheels is expensive (you need a special box, etc.). Plus you have the front and rear issue to deal with, tire width, etc..  

It would be unlikely, I think, to successfully sell an individual wheel/tire combination on ebay unless it is a rare model for hobbyists.  For higher end road bikes, which these wheels are for, most people (I believe) want matching rims, tires, etc. Finding that match on ebay - and a single wheel - would be difficult.  Not denying it doesn't happen but I doubt ebay is a viable channel for individual wheels. Selling entire bikes is an entirely different matter.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

There are plenty of seats, wheels, and other components listed on Ebay. I don't know how well they sell, but most of the auctions appear to have at least a few bidders. I've bought used parts and some new old stock on Ebay when trying to replace part of a vintage groupo. I've also bought individual wheels after doing something that damaged one wheel.


With hobbyists who rebuild their own bikes, there is a legitimate person to person used parts market for these guys to hide in.

jolondon30 said:

No bike store will buy parts -  used no less - from some guy off the street.  And of all my friends who bike they buy exclusively from stores and would only buy wheels in sets.  I can't imagine selling one used wheel/tire on ebay/craigslist will get you many calls. 


I had the pleasure of meeting Tim in the Fox River Trail (Foghat) ride couple months ago.  What you say here does not come as a surprise, he is a very nice guy!

h' 1.0 said:


Back in the day Tim H might have taken them under his wing.  Does Uptown Bikes still do any informal outreach to youth?

Please don't take what I'm about to say as flaming. I'm not upset and I'm not hating.

Sounds like you work for the Chicago Police Department. With words like "bike theft isn't that big of a deal" and "petty theft," that's exactly how the CPD sees it and that's why we can never count on our public servants to help us recover our stolen bikes. If the police don't care, why should we, right?

Bike theft is a major deal to me and I consider it far greater than petty. I have owned both cars and bicycles throughout my life and the theft of either is a very big deal to me. I consider having my bicycle stolen just as equal to having my car stolen, especially now since I currently don't own a car. But even if I did own a car today, the theft of my bicycle would still be a serious matter for me.

Sure, life goes on and shit happens while most of us may still continue riding even after a theft or two. But for many people, having their bicycle stolen can cause a serious emotional and financial toll.

Jason said:

I know we are all cyclist and take theft personally, but honestly, bike theft isnt that big of a deal.

We live in a city, there are much larger problems to get worked up about. 

Its mostly crackhead types, and teens doing it.  Petty theft.

If getting something stolen makes you stop riding, you have larger problems than getting a wheel stolen. 

It's life, shit happens.

Amen for renters insurance!

Diego Rael said:

I lock my bike  but I never worry because my renters insurance will fully cover me for a new bike as they did before when it was stolen outside of Jewelers Row.

Be careful, too many claims and you could get dropped by your insurance company.  Even more so if you buy real estate and get homeowner's insurance.

Diego Rael said:

I lock my bike  but I never worry because my renters insurance will fully cover me for a new bike as they did before when it was stolen outside of Jewelers Row.

You have renter's insurance with no deductible?

J.A.W. 15.08 km said:

Amen for renters insurance!

Diego Rael said:

I lock my bike  but I never worry because my renters insurance will fully cover me for a new bike as they did before when it was stolen outside of Jewelers Row.

$250 is less than what my bikes cost, except one.


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