Just signed up for Bike the Drive. There are going to be 5 or more of us doing it. Various skill levels and rides.

We tried to find out about trailers and/or Trail-A-Bikes (are they allowed, how much extra do we have to pay, do the children inside/on have to pay, how much, etc.?). Nothing on the website. Does anyone have any info on that?

Also, if you have participated in it previously, what kind of experience(s) did you have? Any recommendations?

All advice will be read, and we will sort out what we can to make it an excellent ride.

I will have my (by then) 10 yr old on his 20" bike, me on "The Beast", my wife on her Huffy Sea Pines (1974ish), an Army buddy on his Aluminum "hot rod" (that's what I call it), and George Vanderford on something that has 2 wheels (I hope).

Again, any advice will be helpful.


Thank you all in advance.






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I'd rather not have this as my theme song.

notoriousDUG said:

How many of those neck injuries would not have mattered because of the damage done by the blow to the head that the helmet did not help to soften?

My own opinion is... I will not ride BTD because I'm too cheap.  As a legal resident of these United States, I have a right to act on my own opinion.  As a guy to tries not to be a moron, I have the responsibility not to coerce others act on my own opinions.

Same deal on helmets.  I belonged to one of our area's bike clubs and was ride leader for one ride.  My good friend is helmetless by choice and rode with us.  The club in question (some of you are members) had no helmet requirement.  All the other riders harangued my buddy because he had no helmet.  It got so bad that my good friend dropped off the ride after five miles.  I should have dropped with him.  I did drop that bike club and still resent the way those people treated him.

I choose to save $45 and spend it somewhere else.  However, I have volunteered at the last BTD's and it's a fun volunteer gig.  The weather is usually nice, and the riders are usually in a good mood.

I notice that jennifer on the lake did not respond when i asked why she thought my questions and opinions were hostile.

So why make the accusation if unable to clarify it?

If would be nice to have a civil conversation, instead of sarcasm and comments about kids leaving the playground, thank you.

you guys can have a nice civil conversation on your own thread. This was supposed to be about btd, instead it got hijacked.

As for the original question, btd is a lot of fun and people work hard to put it on. I've done it several times and might even volunteer this year.

II doubt you will find ANY organized ride that will allow you to ride without a helmet.

Apologies for hijacking the thread, my question was originally about the helmet (or not) requirements of BTD, but I only finally got an answer on this page, thank you : )

It sounds like a great event, but having seen a friend die instantly of a snapped neck while wearing a helmet, and seen countless other related injuries in ER, wearing a helmet is not for me.

If that means I can't ride, then so be it, I'll try to volunteer instead.

Let's hope the weather is kind, it makes such a difference.

Vondo said:

you guys can have a nice civil conversation on your own thread. This was supposed to be about btd, instead it got hijacked.

As for the original question, btd is a lot of fun and people work hard to put it on. I've done it several times and might even volunteer this year.

Blame me, please, everyone.

Hilary, you didn't threadjack here, I dared to utter a differing opinion of several of the CLink's sacred cows before you did and that called to action the courageous Keyboard Commandos of the CLink.

It is amusing to watch.

Hilary Thorne said:

Apologies for hijacking the thread, my question was originally about the helmet (or not) requirements of BTD, but I only finally got an answer on this page, thank you : )

It sounds like a great event, but having seen a friend die instantly of a snapped neck while wearing a helmet, and seen countless other related injuries in ER, wearing a helmet is not for me.

If that means I can't ride, then so be it, I'll try to volunteer instead.

Let's hope the weather is kind, it makes such a difference.

Vondo said:

you guys can have a nice civil conversation on your own thread. This was supposed to be about btd, instead it got hijacked.

As for the original question, btd is a lot of fun and people work hard to put it on. I've done it several times and might even volunteer this year.

Not to be crass but provide the incident please.

Hilary Thorne said:

Apologies for hijacking the thread, my question was originally about the helmet (or not) requirements of BTD, but I only finally got an answer on this page, thank you : )

It sounds like a great event, but having seen a friend die instantly of a snapped neck while wearing a helmet, and seen countless other related injuries in ER, wearing a helmet is not for me.

If that means I can't ride, then so be it, I'll try to volunteer instead.

Let's hope the weather is kind, it makes such a difference.

Vondo said:

you guys can have a nice civil conversation on your own thread. This was supposed to be about btd, instead it got hijacked.

As for the original question, btd is a lot of fun and people work hard to put it on. I've done it several times and might even volunteer this year.

If anyone really wants details of a fatality, then sure, send me a message and I will oblige.

But I agree with Mike that this thread needs to return to some positive comments about BTD, and not be a hangout for ghouls.

Its a lovely morning and I am going out for a ride. I'll save the autopsy reporting for later, if anyone really feels the need to have that information.

Have a great day people.
notoriousDUG  :

Not to be crass but provide the incident please.

Hilary Thorne said:

Apologies for hijacking the thread, my question was originally about the helmet (or not) requirements of BTD, but I only finally got an answer on this page, thank you : )

It sounds like a great event, but having seen a friend die instantly of a snapped neck while wearing a helmet, and seen countless other related injuries in ER, wearing a helmet is not for me.

If that means I can't ride, then so be it, I'll try to volunteer instead.

Let's hope the weather is kind, it makes such a difference.

Vondo said:

you guys can have a nice civil conversation on your own thread. This was supposed to be about btd, instead it got hijacked.

As for the original question, btd is a lot of fun and people work hard to put it on. I've done it several times and might even volunteer this year.

If you're into it, BTD looks like it'd be a great time. i haven't done it because i'm a tightwad and live too far away to want to make the journey in. Enjoy the ride, sunrise over the lake is a beautiful thing and being surrounded by fellow riders can be great fun.


And could we PLEASE not have yet another trollfest about helmets? It comes up every couple of weeks here and it's becoming a bore. Thank you.


Peace. Out.

Mike W,

I'm sorry this became a fight about helmets. It was not my intention, i came here for information on the helmet regulations for BTD only.

I was not aware there have been other arguments about helmets, I haven't visited here before, and certainly won't be again!

Apologies again, please put this thread back on track : )

mike w. said:

If you're into it, BTD looks like it'd be a great time. i haven't done it because i'm a tightwad and live too far away to want to make the journey in. Enjoy the ride, sunrise over the lake is a beautiful thing and being surrounded by fellow riders can be great fun.


And could we PLEASE not have yet another trollfest about helmets? It comes up every couple of weeks here and it's becoming a bore. Thank you.


Peace. Out.


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