Just signed up for Bike the Drive. There are going to be 5 or more of us doing it. Various skill levels and rides.

We tried to find out about trailers and/or Trail-A-Bikes (are they allowed, how much extra do we have to pay, do the children inside/on have to pay, how much, etc.?). Nothing on the website. Does anyone have any info on that?

Also, if you have participated in it previously, what kind of experience(s) did you have? Any recommendations?

All advice will be read, and we will sort out what we can to make it an excellent ride.

I will have my (by then) 10 yr old on his 20" bike, me on "The Beast", my wife on her Huffy Sea Pines (1974ish), an Army buddy on his Aluminum "hot rod" (that's what I call it), and George Vanderford on something that has 2 wheels (I hope).

Again, any advice will be helpful.


Thank you all in advance.






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As long as you bring your required Styrofoam Talisman and enough money to cover the entry fee you can get in and ride the Drive.   Beyond that, the ability to somewhat pilot a bicycle without falling down is the only other requirement. 

I have a question -

where does it say you have to wear a helmet?

I've cycled for more years and in more countries than I care to remember without a helmet, and have no intention of starting now!

Does that mean I am banned?

Did you check the Bike the Drive website? Should make it clear there.

Assuming you haven't paid for BTD and don't intend to, I'm pretty sure you can easily bypass the entry fee by jumping on at an on-ramp somewhere if you are dead set on riding without head protection. Or maybe you can wear one at the beginning and then throw it out once you're out of the site of BTD volunteers. And now that we've established you haven't paid and don't intend to, that's all the better. American USD has more blood on it's hands than all the styrofoam helmets ever assembled. Don't tread on me! After all, this is a free country where you don't have to wear a helmet if you don't wanna, you don't have to pay for services that you use if you don't wanna, and you don't have to wear no stinking Talisman on your head if you don't wanna. 


Freedom Lover

To you "freedom lovers" out there- please understand that it costs a lot of money and hard work to put on Bike the Drive. This is a major fundraiser for the Active Transportation Alliance, and it helps fund many programs and events.

Do you want to cheat a non-profit that does a lot of good work to benefit you and many others? If you advocate being a ride bandit, that's what you're doing.

I'm not a fan of thieves.

Regarding helmets, it's in our waiver and we believe that wearing a helmet is one of the safest choices you can make while biking.

It would be incredibly challenging for us to enforce 20,000 people to wear helmets but we do our best to encourage helmet use when we see people w/o helmets.

Paid participants wearing rider numbers may start at the north and south rest stops (Bryn Mawr, Museum of Science and Industry). 

We ask that participants start at these locations so they can be ensured a safe start at 5:30 a.m. when the police give us the official "all clear." Even though LSD may look clear that early in the morning, we have to wait until the police have cleared all car traffic...that's how we keep it safe.

We do find that after the event has started (e.g. you'll see tons of people on bikes on LSD (the street)), that registered participants will roll on or off at many locations. That's not something we can truly enforce and are less worried about it because the event has safely started.

As Anne said, we do care if unregistered participants are riding. You'll be cheating a nonprofit and disrespecting the many thousands of other people who paid. We hope you don't do this.

If you're planning on signing up, we'd recommend doing it by this Sunday at 11:59 p.m. before the $3 late fee kicks in at midnight.

Also, please feel free to save $3 with discount code 3chainlink

Thanks much,

Ethan, Active Trans

I was going to mention that there are north and south entry points as well, but then I checked the website and it says the only entry is the one downtown? In previous years, this hasn't been the case. I feel like this limitation has to curb participation.

Anika said:

My 6 year old was hopeful to do this since she is fascinated by the drive. Unfortunately, it's just too early for a great family biking event (for us). In order for her to have enough time to bike a decent distance and get downtown for the start, we'd have to leave our house at 4:45am. Not gonna happen with a 2 year old in tow. Hopefully another year...

Megan - If I remember correctly a couple of years ago BtD started allowing registered participants whose ZIP codes corresponded to the furthest points of LSD (North and South) would be allowed to enter at the

turnaround spots; this was done to ease congestion at the main entry point : Monroe St. in Grant Park.

(I believe a separate mailing went out or something like that based on their ZIP code)


maybe someone from Active Trans can confirm this will be done again for 2013 ?

I love this ride but I have an extremely difficult time with it as a paid event, fund raiser or not.  As a citizen/resident, I pay for that infrastructure.  As a car owner, I pay for that infrastructure.  As an organization, I hold the ATA in less than high regard.  When this first started, I gladly paid the entry fee for the many and various reasons listed above.  Since the ATA started funneling riders through checkpoints to check their rider bracelets, I find I don't want to give them any money for anything anymore.  In fact, after that first time, I let my membership drop and you folks in the ATA could save yourself some postage and stop sending me mailers.

In years past, you'd see families dive onto the route for a mile or two, riding out of the way far to the right of course.  How awesome is that?  I haven't seen much of that in awhile, not like it used to be.

I won't pay for this event anymore although I might ride it again, depends upon the weather.  I am curious though, just how much does it cost? Where would I find where all the dollars are allocated? Is the ATA covering the cost of police time or does that fall on me, the taxpayer, again?  Are the refreshments donated?

All this being said, that ride is by far away, my favorite of all local organized rides.  There is something about the POV on LSD on a bike saddle that is completely amazing.  I'll also say the expo at the end is lame.  Personally, I want a bloody mary or a Guinness when I'm done riding, but I may be in the minority.


Hey all, please see my earlier post (we probably we're posting at the same time) but we can confirm that there are starts at the north and south again this year. It's not on the website but we do email participants in nearby zip codes, so please feel free to start at the north or south.

Craig, please send me your address, I'll take you off the list, of course. Apologies you're receiving info. Please email me at ethan @ activetrans .org and I'll take care of it.

We do pay for the police, traffic control aides, porta-potties, rest stop food, city permits, park district permits and everything else to produce the event. We do get some sponsorship support but it's a fundraising event so whatever we have left in profit, we put that back into advocacy efforts.

Our 990's are here:https://activetrans.org/donate (I'm not sure why the more recent ones aren't up, but I will get that taken care of) and Annual Reports are here: http://activetrans.org/mission-vision.


Ethan, Active Trans

That's all good to know, Ethan, thank you for providing that information.

As I mentioned, I had no issue paying to ride this event in years past as it's one of my favorites.  What killed it for me is when you all had to check every rider for bracelets.  Not cool in my mind and that makes me want to ride pirate without a helmet.


Active Transportation Alliance said:

Hey all, please see my earlier post (we probably we're posting at the same time) but we can confirm that there are starts at the north and south again this year. It's not on the website but we do email participants in nearby zip codes, so please feel free to start at the north or south.

Craig, please send me your address, I'll take you off the list, of course. Apologies you're receiving info. Please email me at ethan @ activetrans .org and I'll take care of it.

We do pay for the police, traffic control aides, porta-potties, rest stop food, city permits, park district permits and everything else to produce the event. We do get some sponsorship support but it's a fundraising event so whatever we have left in profit, we put that back into advocacy efforts.

Our 990's are here:https://activetrans.org/donate (I'm not sure why the more recent ones aren't up, but I will get that taken care of) and Annual Reports are here: http://activetrans.org/mission-vision.


Ethan, Active Trans

I think its one of the most amazing events we have here in Chicago and I thank ATA for putting on such a huge endeavor. I don't know what it costs, what it brings in, etc. but I'm sure it costs a whole lot of money and is ATA's largest fundraiser of the year. And it's a WHOLE lot of people who do it, many from the burbs, some who rarely ride.  I enjoy and appreciate events that bring people in the city and get people on bikes.  

Yes, it's a lot of money... I'm pretty sure if you volunteer before or after the event you get to ride for free. It used to be that way and that's how I was able to do it.  Not sure if that's the case anymore.

Yeah I see the frustration with cars being able to use LSD for free all year and the one day we get it we have to pay for it.  If you want to get involved with changing that I think there are groups out there trying to change that.  Depave Lake Shore Drive maybe?

Get real, Julie.

For free?  Tell my checkbook that I get to drive on LSD for free, all year round.  I think you'll be in for a great debate.

Julie Hochstadter said:

I think its one of the most amazing events we have here in Chicago and I thank ATA for putting on such a huge endeavor. I don't know what it costs, what it brings in, etc. but I'm sure it costs a whole lot of money and is ATA's largest fundraiser of the year. And it's a WHOLE lot of people who do it, many from the burbs, some who rarely ride.  I enjoy and appreciate events that bring people in the city and get people on bikes.  

Yes, it's a lot of money... I'm pretty sure if you volunteer before or after the event you get to ride for free. It used to be that way and that's how I was able to do it.  Not sure if that's the case anymore.

Yeah I see the frustration with cars being able to use LSD for free all year and the one day we get it we have to pay for it.  If you want to get involved with changing that I think there are groups out there trying to change that.  Depave Lake Shore Drive maybe?


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