So I am looking to see what the masses say.  

When wearing bike shorts do you wear them as I feel they were intended, Commando, you feel the need to wear underwear in addition to your wicking, breathable and cushioned bike shorts?

I have a friend who ingrained in me long ago how wearing underwear with bike shorts was a moral travesty and something one should never engage in.  I thought this was the consensus among most if not all cyclists.  

Is this not the case?

How do you wear bike shorts - with or without additional undergarments?

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While I agree that bibs are super comfortable, they make it more of a chore to go to the bathroom...

One more tangent to the thread - on the topic of cycling clothes I have a question.

What constitutes a "Kit"?

Is it just bike shorts and a wicking shirt or is it when you are wearing bibs with a shirt or is it a onesie?  Am I wearing a street clothes "Kit" when I rock my denim jeans and a oxford stitch collared shirt or is it just a pair of bottoms and a top?

I guess my greater question is not only what defines a Kit but where did the term come from?

Aaron, I think if you had a kit, you would love a kit. Especially if it is a Chainlink kit. I'm just gonna leave this right here....

A kit is typically a matching team or logo set of a bike jersey top and a bottom (a pair of bike shorts or bibs).

I don't know if it can still be called a kit if you had different brand logos for top and bottom.

Bike shorts over boxer briefs for my usual 20-30 mile rides.  And a t-shirt instead of a cycling jersey, because I won't even pretend to be a "real" biker.  To each his own, as long as we're all having fun.

I recalled reading a thread of roadbikereview forum a couple of years back regarding 'how many jerseys is too many?'  One poster said he owned 20+ jerseys.  I was thinking to myself, 'that is an overkill...guy is nuts'.  Now, I have accomulated too many for me to count in my head(15 now that I really think about it).  I have also added to my bike shorts collection(5 after retiring the original 3 I brought on ebay) from when brought my first pair of pre-owned short on ebay since I couldn't justify spending the amount of money on a new pair when I just got into road cycling in 2008.  I also own 5 pairs of gloves.(Tired of washing my 1 pair after consecutive day ride, plus I can't pass up a good deal)


I don't care for the bib I brought as a Sharp-Garmin kit this spring even though there is no pressure point at the waistline.  The reason is because I have to unzip my jersey to partially take off my bib in order to pee.  What a pain especially when my jersey pockets are weighed down with a pump, spare tube, tire levers, multi tool, cell phone, camera, energy bar and cleat covers.


On rides around town, I have ridden with casual shorts and bike shorts underneath or just bike shorts and my jersey.  I digs pockets!  Btw, commando with chamois butt'r because I chafe on rides over 30-40 miles.

I agree with many of the others - "commando," as it's been dubbed - but offer a different rationale.

As you pedal at 90 or 100 rpm, there will undoubtedly be some movement between you and your saddle. A chamois pad's purpose is to protect your skin by ensuring that all that movement happens between your shorts and your saddle, and not between you and your shorts. If there is movement between you and your shorts, that's chafing, and that's at least uncomfortable, if not painful.

Back in the days of wool shorts, the chamois leather sewn into shorts, when damp with sweat, would stick to your skin to ensure there was no movement between you and your shorts. Today, cycling shorts are made of skin tight lycra to ensure the pad does not move against your skin. Bibs serve the purpose of pulling your shorts up tight against you to further ensure there is no movement. Any other clothing between you and your chamois pad risks movement between you and your shorts.

With this in mind, I see no purpose for chamois creme, which is designed to reduce chafing by lubricating the chamois pad so it slides smoothly over your skin.

Similarly, for those riders who shave their legs, I advocate shaving your legs all the way up to the area under the chamois pad, because a bunch of hair between you and your chamois pad promotes movement between you and your shorts. Better that the chamois pad should stick to your skin. Going hairless is also much cleaner, which makes you less susceptible to infections in that area.

For those that don't like the lycra look, wearing baggy shorts, a skirt, or whatever over your lycra cycling shorts is the way to go.

Best answer so far!

It depends on the ride. 1-3 miles, jeans, w/boxers.  3-10 miles, running shorts w/boxers.  Anything longer than that and I have to wear bibs or padded shorts, commando, with a body glide applied to the nether regions. I have big giant thighs, and the space between said thighs and my groin will chafe without it. I have whatever the opposite of a thigh gap would be. 

I used to never wear "special" cycling clothing, then as soon as I hit 30, skin got a little less tight, and saddle sores became a major issue, especially on long rides (30-60 miles).  

Is a onesie considered a kit?

My manjamas kitworthy?

I believe that would be a skin suit. 

Manjammies are the stuff of legend. 


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