Since riding bikes is on my mind 75% of the time during the day, it's not surprising that it creeps in while I'm sleeping. 

But last night's went a step further and took over my thoughts on running The Chainlink. Oh gosh. 

I drempt that I woke up with 12 new members to approve and all of them were already Chainlink members. They couldn't log in so they reapplied.  I guess it could be called a Tech Nightmare.

What are your crazy bike dreams/nightmares and other unconscious thoughts?

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I had the rather odd mini-dream the other night that I disassembled the rear hub on my everyday bike to find a huge hair tangled up in the thing, and that this was what had been slowing me down all this time.....

I ran over a skunk last night while riding home. There were two of them, both small, and they came out from behind a tree by the curb. I got distracted and didn't have time to swerve.

My front tire got the worst of the small amount of spray, but I had to leave my clothes outside to air out. I also left mt front tire outside since it was still wet. I showered, which seem to do the trick.

I had nightmares about riding over other small animals at night, not being able to get the stink off my bike, and maybe still carrying some of the order on my skin at work all day.

I often have a dream that I am at a party or get-together and when I am ready to leave I find that my bike is missing major parts and unridable. Sometimes I go looking for the parts, but more often than not I try riding it home as is; I once lay flat on my back and rode it home through a college campus like a giant surfboard.


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