Since riding bikes is on my mind 75% of the time during the day, it's not surprising that it creeps in while I'm sleeping. 

But last night's went a step further and took over my thoughts on running The Chainlink. Oh gosh. 

I drempt that I woke up with 12 new members to approve and all of them were already Chainlink members. They couldn't log in so they reapplied.  I guess it could be called a Tech Nightmare.

What are your crazy bike dreams/nightmares and other unconscious thoughts?

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In my dreams none of the parts match.  Tubes/tires/wheels are always mismatched, cranks are threaded backwards for the pedals.  loose ball bearings are all different sizes, headset races never fit correctly into the head tube, and chians are either too short or for the wrong number of gears...

Sometimes seatposts are super stuck and I need to use explosives to get them out (it's a dream, right?)

did this dream have anything to do with your bar night?

you are alive! We missed you last night.  

And I'm sure you have had a bike dream at some point in your life.  Maybe your dynohub wasn't working :))

terryg said:

did this dream have anything to do with your bar night?

I had a dream just two nights ago of my bike being stolen. I also have dreams of changing tubes and can't get the dang tire back on the wheel right.

Talk about a nightmare...

i had the stolen bike dream a month or so ago. i got so angry in the ream that i woke up, and couldn't get back to sleep till i'd gone to the kitchen and made sure she was still there.

Blatherskate said:

I had a dream just two nights ago of my bike being stolen. I also have dreams of changing tubes and can't get the dang tire back on the wheel right.

Talk about a nightmare...

I've dreamed that I kept forgetting to lock my bike, and then someone would take it (of course), and I would see them taking it, but in the dream I am in slow motion, and the thief is pedaling so quickly that I lose them.  

I also once had a dream that I saw a bike at the train station, unlocked, and for some reason I had to get it to it's rightful owner because it was a really expensive bike, and I was afraid that someone Would steal it. I ended up riding it everywhere in the city looking for the owner, and when I finally found them, they told me I could keep it for trying to get it back to them.  The reason I remembered this dream is that it was very vivid and detailed and the bike was very distinctive.  I even remembered the name from the dream, it was labeled "Lightspeed" and it was a men's road bike, super shiny and silver.  I went to look it up on Google, and I actually found the exact same looking bicycle with the decals and everything-except the bike's real brand is spelled "Litespeed" and in my dream, it was spelled Lightspeed. Please keep in mind, I had not even heard of this bike before, nor had I considered getting a road bike at the time, so this was super freaky for me. 

That's a good one!

Melanie K said:

I've dreamed that I kept forgetting to lock my bike, and then someone would take it (of course), and I would see them taking it, but in the dream I am in slow motion, and the thief is pedaling so quickly that I lose them.  

I also once had a dream that I saw a bike at the train station, unlocked, and for some reason I had to get it to it's rightful owner because it was a really expensive bike, and I was afraid that someone Would steal it. I ended up riding it everywhere in the city looking for the owner, and when I finally found them, they told me I could keep it for trying to get it back to them.  The reason I remembered this dream is that it was very vivid and detailed and the bike was very distinctive.  I even remembered the name from the dream, it was labeled "Lightspeed" and it was a men's road bike, super shiny and silver.  I went to look it up on Google, and I actually found the exact same looking bicycle with the decals and everything-except the bike's real brand is spelled "Litespeed" and in my dream, it was spelled Lightspeed. Please keep in mind, I had not even heard of this bike before, nor had I considered getting a road bike at the time, so this was super freaky for me. 

Never had a bike dream that I can recall.  Had plenty of dreams involving cars, though.  Weird huh?

I have had a recurring dream; I am trying to leave a big house and when I get to my bike - usually in the basement - it is missing parts or disassembled and I have to go find the parts or their replacements.

Do fantasies count? We trike owners have very unique ... opportunities.

Had a dream of being back at the first bicycleshop I worked at. Doing outrageous stunts on a warm summer night for the shop owner and his girlfriend with my Scwhinn Predator freestye.

Thats awesome. The guy that I bought my bike from has the same bike; he hangs it in his shop, its a real beauty.

Also, I get the dreams where I am in slow motion and everything else is normal pace. So Aggravating!!

Melanie K said:

I've dreamed that I kept forgetting to lock my bike, and then someone would take it (of course), and I would see them taking it, but in the dream I am in slow motion, and the thief is pedaling so quickly that I lose them.  

I also once had a dream that I saw a bike at the train station, unlocked, and for some reason I had to get it to it's rightful owner because it was a really expensive bike, and I was afraid that someone Would steal it. I ended up riding it everywhere in the city looking for the owner, and when I finally found them, they told me I could keep it for trying to get it back to them.  The reason I remembered this dream is that it was very vivid and detailed and the bike was very distinctive.  I even remembered the name from the dream, it was labeled "Lightspeed" and it was a men's road bike, super shiny and silver.  I went to look it up on Google, and I actually found the exact same looking bicycle with the decals and everything-except the bike's real brand is spelled "Litespeed" and in my dream, it was spelled Lightspeed. Please keep in mind, I had not even heard of this bike before, nor had I considered getting a road bike at the time, so this was super freaky for me. 

Hey Juan, if you like freestyle you might like this.gif My friend sent it to me the other day.

Juan said:

Had a dream of being back at the first bicycleshop I worked at. Doing outrageous stunts on a warm summer night for the shop owner and his girlfriend with my Scwhinn Predator freestye.


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