Need a place to just roll in your bike?  First floor, side door, gangway with your own key to gate.  We cover all utilities (hot water heat and electricity).  Wood floor, carpeted bedroom and tiled kitchen, high ceilings.  Large full wall closet and pantry.  One dog or one house cat ok, no smoking (of anything).  1500.00 West Town.  Ask for Nancy 312/942-1258 or email

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Good luck renting a weed-free apartment to bike people.

Any links with photos you can share? That would be really helpful.

Dear Yasmeen,

Here are a few more photos.



I have the apartment listed on Craigslist with several photos.  I will try cutting and pasting a few direct to you.


Sorry but for insurance reasons (and I can't stand the smell) is why we try to "weed" out smokers.  A neighbor tenant used to smoke big stogies and of course it came into our bedroom.


Dear Yasmeen,

Here are a few photos - more to come.  red brick house (ca. 1888) with blue door.




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