Source:Infographic compiled by Brad Laybourne Law 10-14-'15

Why is the United States far behind other developed nations in bike commuting?

Factors preventing bike commuting:

1-Poor Infrastructure
2-Safely Concerns
3-Urban Sprawl

"Surveys show that Americans don't ride bikes as much as people from other developed countries. This infographic explores the three main factors that prevent bike commuting to become prevalent in the U.S."

"America's infrastructure generally discourages cycling in favor of alternative modes of transportation. Bike lanes and cycle tracks are not commonplace, making it more dangerous for cyclists because they have to share the road with motorists."

"Safety concerns also contribute to being a major reason why Americans choose not to bike commute. Between fast moving traffic and road congestions, cyclists have to deal with irresponsible drivers who could be too distracted to obey traffic laws."

"America also happens to be far larger than the top cycling countries, which means it's more difficult to bike to any given destination."

This is what cyclists must deal with in their real life interactions with the motorized world every day.

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How many of them are properly locked?

Spot on.


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