Hello Chainlink!

I've written a comedy web series about six ex bike messengers who live in Chicago. I'm about to start pre-production and wanted to see what the Chainlink thought would be great places to film. I'm not so much looking for the iconic Chicago stuff (plenty of other movies and TV shows do that), but rather unique Chicago-bike culture specific locations. 

The obvious ones out of the way first:


Lakeshore Drive

Chrome Store

Critical Mass

Some places I like are:

Kinzie street from Halsted to Wells

Green Street near the Coyne Factory

Southport near Cortland


What are other places where it could be cool to catch bicyclist and locations?

*Edited to Include Trailer



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18th street! Damen underpass! Working bikes! West town bikes! Maria's/pleasant house

Wicker Park

Ah truth! Right near the river and Ping Tom Park is excellent

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

18th street! Damen underpass! Working bikes! West town bikes! Maria's/pleasant house

The new Olive Garden :-)

Only if you make fun of people making fun of how lame it is now.

Amanda said:

Wicker Park

If you need a "stocky", former military, older guy that rides a mountain bike as an extra, just let me know.

I will try to fit it into my busy schedule.....






You mean largest and most beautiful restaurant now operating in Grand Forks, serving endless breadsticks and meaty fare??

David Barish said:

The new Olive Garden :-)

Sure Manny! I can add you to our extras list. Please email bikegangshow@gmail.com for more information. 

Thank you!

Manny FU...Really!? said:

If you need a "stocky", former military, older guy that rides a mountain bike as an extra, just let me know.

I will try to fit it into my busy schedule.....







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