So I went to get my bike out of the garage for the first time since Friday...front wheel was frozen in place...brake was gripping it too tightly.

Tried to loosen the brake...both at the handlebar and down by the caliper matter what I did, the wheel was either too loose or too tight. I've adjusted brakes many times before but never had this issue.

The wheel appears to be true; no wobbling when it's loose.

Brake lever at the handlebar doesn't seem to have much tension, no matter how I adjust things.

One thing I can say is that there were times when I could adjust the brake so that the wheel spins and when I hit the brake the wheel comes to a dead stop, but only when it's in the air...on the ground, the wheel still moves freely with the brake engaged.

The brakes are brand new...had them installed two weeks ago at Johnny Sprockets, and I think my bike has been used five times since. Had a tune-up done at Village Cycle Center the day after the brakes were installed.

So...any thoughts as to why I'm getting either too tight or too loose but nothing in between??? And why all of a sudden after being at rest for five days the brakes decide to clamp down on the front wheel??

If this info is any help, the bike is a 2014 Trek Shift 2. Front wheel is a Bontrager A550, which from my research tells me it's a P.O.S. tire, which is why I had the rear one replaced with something stronger. (My old rear wheel, which also was a Bontrager A550, and it was constantly giving me trouble...spokes breaking every other week...haven't had a single problem with the replacement!)

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I'd bring the bike back to Johnny Sprockets since they installed the brakes. They should be able to help you.

I decided to take another look...thought there was something odd about the way the cable from the handlebar brake pully thingy (isn't it impressive how grand my bike vocabulary is?) was routed; must have gotten twisted or something somehow. I moved the cable over, tried to adjust the brake again...*pow!* Free-spinning front wheel, and with a fairly sane amount of pressure on the handle, wheel came to a dead stop! Did a brief test ride...perfect! *whew!*

Sometimes the brake or derailer cable comes out of the socket and rests on the lip and is much tighter than it should.


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