bike access on Metra - reverse commute and off-peak trips

I'm doing research for a blog piece about bike access on Metra.  I'd be grateful if any of you who take bikes on Metra for reverse commute or off-peak trips could take a few minutes to complete this survey

Whether you take these trips frequently or only occasionally, your information would be extremely helpful in getting a big picture view of what cyclists currently encounter across all Metra lines when they travel with their bikes, and how bike access has changed since it was first introduced. 

Thank you!

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Thanks again. Just giving it one more bump.  If you haven't responded about your Metra experiences, please do.  I'll be closing the poll soon.

Ahhh, so i am not the only one using this method to ride with my bike!

Anne Alt said:

Good suggestion.  Thank you!

BTW, to anyone who's not sure, the quickest and easiest way to pick out the ADA cars is to compare windows on the cars as you look along the side of the train.  Windows on the ADA cars are taller than on other cars.  Also, each ADA car has a large area with no windows next to the door (bathroom space).  I've gotten so used to doing this that I sometimes forget that everyone hasn't learned this handy trick.

Duppie 13.5185km said:


Regarding question 5 and 6, it would be good if there was a "don't know" N/A option.

I have no idea about the number of ADA cars on the trains I take, not even the ones I take regularly without a bike.


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