Not very many details. Here's the link to the Chicago Tribune article.

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It's unfortunate that so many police reports are still so bad.  My CPD source feels that some of our suburban departments do a much better job with this. 

My experience with suburban crash reports is limited, but from that limited slice, I've been impressed with the work done by Evanston and Skokie police.  However, I have no idea whether those reports were representative of overall quality work by those departments, or at the exceptional end of the scale.  One thing I *WILL* give them credit for is legibility.  It's wonderful to see reports printed by a computer that are actually LEGIBLE, instead of having to decipher someone's semi-legible scrawl (CPD reports).

Lisa Curcio said:

Thanks, Anne.  It has been a number of years since I regularly dealt with crash reports and police officers. I don't think they had the black box capability at the time I last did.  And not all MAIS officers were trained in accident reconstruction at the time, either.  Your source confirms the credibility of the average police crash report, however.  And your experience with crash reports is current while mine is dated!


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