Just overhead on the local news. Happened this morning. Does anyone know any details?

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Just overheard "what?"

A bicyclist and a police car go into a bar...

Sarah Jindra from NPR tweeted it this morning, but that was all I saw/heard about it.

I saw it in the traffic report early this morning on WGN...at Chicago and Elizabeth, just west of the Kennedy.  Have heard nothing else, however.

I hope the cyclist recovers. I have to admit that I'm not shocked by the callous comments condemning the cyclist before a full report is released.

Ditto on both counts.  One of the best things about the Trib redesign is switching to Facebook comments.  Fewer trolls will attach their name and face to a post.  

I remember when that Polish/German girl a couple years ago was mowed down by a coked-up bus driver in Streeterville, even though she had the light.  Most of the comments on the Trib website were still blaming the victim though.  The car-first culture is going to take a generation or 2 (absent the type of effort that changed the mentality of West Coast drivers) to work itself out.

Shawn C. said:

I hope the cyclist recovers. I have to admit that I'm not shocked by the callous comments condemning the cyclist before a full report is released.

Chicago Ave and Cambridge Ave / Kingsbury St, have a traffic signal, here.  


I marked the more offensive comment as a violation.  That's the one that's gone.  I suspect we're not the only ones who objected to it.  The commenter suggested that the cyclist was attacking the police, should be arrested, etc.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

I've marked both of the comments as "violation," the one which is no longer there with a reason "don't be a moron." Not sure it was my objection that actually led to that comment's removal. Probably not.

h' said:

I only see one comment now?


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