Bicycle Research Project - Please take this short survey

I’m working on a research project for grad school about Chicago resident’s knowledge of bicycle ordinances. If you could click this link and take my super short survey it would really help me out. Seriously, it will take you less than five minutes. CLICK HERE, and I will be forever indebted to you. Also, feel free to pass this along to your friends, co-workers, anyone who lives in Chicago - it doesn't need to be someone who rides a bike.

Thanks - Rebekah

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Done. (only once, both links go to the same survey).

And now back to your regularly scheduled super old Maiden.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Done. (only once, both links go to the same survey).

And now back to your regularly scheduled super old Maiden.
After I click submit... is that 100% my score, or does that just mean that I'm all done?
Done. And by the way Ryan, this is Old School Maiden!:

Not that there is anything wrong with Number of the Beast....still Murder in the Rue Morgue!
Actually, a proshot boot from Philly '87 (Somewhere In Time tour) with a bonus of some boot from the time before Bruce.

justJason said:

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Done. (only once, both links go to the same survey).

And now back to your regularly scheduled super old Maiden.
Six Feet Under, band or HBO show?

BK said:
Done, and Ryan, I'm returning to some classic Six Feet Under.

Ryan said:
After I click submit... is that 100% my score, or does that just mean that I'm all done?

The surveys aren't scored. The 100% means that you've finished. I didn't even think about the fact that people might want to know how they did...until people starting emailing me about it. I'll be sure to post the correct answers when I'm finished collecting surveys.
Done! Good luck with your project.
I saw that tour. Frehely's Comet was the opener. Good times!

Lee, as much as I love the OLD Maiden, I'm just not that in to Paul Dianno's vox. I'm a Dickinson man!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Actually, a proshot boot from Philly '87 (Somewhere In Time tour) with a bonus of some boot from the time before Bruce.

justJason said:

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Done. (only once, both links go to the same survey).

And now back to your regularly scheduled super old Maiden.
are you surveying non-bikers as well? this is a good idea for a research project, i hope you prove that there needs to be more mass-awareness-raising, cause it's true.


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