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i wanna go ride that thing...looks neat.
That looks like a hell of a lot of fun. One more reason to visit New Zeland.
well done mate! I would like an elevated track covered by solar panels to get around the city during those nasty cold chicago winters.
Next step should be a roller-coaster version. That would be such fun!

In fact, this reminds me of an amusement park I went to in the mid 90s on the Vendée Coast in France - every ride was human-powered. There was a fantastic swing-boat there that could seat 40 or 50 people....
Imagine if we had long lines of these instead of the metra commuter rail. God damn, that would be a fun commute.

I'm jealous.
Haha, and a tiring commute.

Ryan said:
Imagine if we had long lines of these instead of the metra commuter rail. God damn, that would be a fun commute.

I'm jealous.
I want to go to there!
Video_Drome said:
I think you meant to post this:

The audio on that was crap so I put up the one with better audio, I'm kinda a snob when it comes to my Women, My beer and my audio quality. Plus it was weird, lol.
Yes indeed. That does look fun.
I want that (running that cool contraption) to be my retirement plan.

never grow up !


p.s. Dubi - how did you enjoy all the hills on day 2 of the Hilly ?


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