I wiped out while biking near the planetarium this morning and dislocated broke my shoulder. The pavement on the lower level by the looks wet but is also very slippery algae. Please avoid at all costs!

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Too large.

As Trash Panda put it, warning signs would be nice.

This, plus more

That'd make it even WORSE. At least in my case. My tires do not do well with sand.

Sand would cause problems for a lot of people.

So should this area be barricaded as a hazard zone by the park district and the city if nothing can be done to remedy it right now? Just like they do with overly icy patches and high-wave conditions on the LFT.

Really??? They sure as hell didn't barricade that icy patch I wiped out on in February that might be the cause of some surgery I might have to get soon. :(

Barricades would be most excellent! I'm not sure how one would remedy algae patches. Previous commenters are correct in saying that sand would make it worse - I dread riding past North Ave Beach for that exact reason.

Slicks? Are you riding the LFT in wet conditions and February's ice in slicks?!
I left some warnings when I went back for photos this morning.

Very cool! That concrete hurts! 

It me, yesterday


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