Almost forgot.. when on Sheridan north of the cemetery, I recommend staying on the sidewalk and going slow until you hit the park. Then there is a gravel/dirt path a few feet into the park parallel to the sidewalk that you can take to the Edgemere gate.
I think Ridge bans bikes in Evanston...
Personally I follow the signed route provided by the city, could never tell you what streets to take but never get lost either.
Yeah well that whole banned section of Ridge Road is freshly paved, and smooth as silk. I'm sorry but I can't stay off. I ride Ridge anyway during off-peak hours and only once have been told to get off. I maintain a pretty good pace however, and watch at the busy intersections, because crossing traffic doesn't expect to see a bike coming through.
mike w. said:No bikes on Ridge in Evanston from Howard to Golf (Simpson?)
Yeah well that whole banned section of Ridge Road is freshly paved, and smooth as silk. I'm sorry but I can't stay off. I ride Ridge anyway during off-peak hours and only once have been told to get off. I maintain a pretty good pace however, and watch at the busy intersections, because crossing traffic doesn't expect to see a bike coming through.
mike w. said:No bikes on Ridge in Evanston from Howard to Golf (Simpson?)
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