Beers across Wisconsin: from the Mississippi to Milwaukee in six breweries

I recently completed a bike trip across the Badger State on trails, stopping at as many breweries as possible. Hopefully you'll find the write-up interesting enough to make the wear-and-tear on my legs and liver worthwhile:

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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Thanks! Actually I think the Bars Across America journey was generally much more eventful than this Wisco trip, because I saw tons of awesome scenery, went to scores of cool taverns and met lots of odd characters. Sure, I'd be glad to sign a copy. bring it with you to Pedaling Poetry Night, Monday 12/10, 7-9pm at Cole's, 2338 N. Milwaukee.

I am beyond jealous.

Sounds like fun. I would definitely participate in an Illinois breweries ride.

Side note: John, why isn't your book available on Kindle? I'd love to read it, but dislike having physical books take up space in my small apartment.

I also seethe with envy! 

If good beer is the goal, skip Minhas and Capital and include The Grumpy Troll in Mt Horeb (but skip the Belgian) next time. 

Awesome story. I love Wisconsin, aka "The Only State That Ends In Sin." Next time in MKE check out Lakefront Brewery. Even the Miller tour is very cool. Riding throught the Pabst brewery feels post-apocalyptic. Such beautiful architecture just sitting there empty for 15-20 years now.


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