Ok, so it seems the ride this morning sucked for some folks. I couldn't be happier!

Waterproof-windproof-thick as hell gloves- Check
Waterproof Milwaukee Hoodie- Check
Long thick socks and tights- Check
Snow glasses- Check
Fenders- Double check
Awesomeness- Aw hells yeah!- SUPER CHECK

Gear up like crazy for the winter. Put those fenders on your bike and take the lane if you have to just to avoid the snow pile. I had a blast this morning! Probably because I don't work anywhere near downtown anymore. Whoo!

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Yes! Internet drinking has less calories, saves you money, and doesn't give you a hangover the next day. It's a win-win-win situation. Cheers!

And to anyone who really wants to know...

SNOW GOGGLES ARE THE SHIZ! not only do they block the wind and cold, they also insulate the parts of your face that they cover which keeps you warmer.

Steve 3po said:
hey wait I drank with you for real tonight, do we have to have an internet toast too?
riding home was the shit... so great. the snow felt like daggers to my eyeballs but the rest of me was loving every sec.
Did my first winter ride last night and fell like a mofo. Bike landed right on top me. Thank you Mayor Daley for cutting down on salt this year.

I rode again this morning and was successful.
I've ridden all week (and last night) and its been great. I think I just picked the right bike with the right tires or something but I haven't had any problems yet. It's a pretty cool experience so far (although I haven't biked in heavy snow yet and have stuck to main streets. Thanks chainlink, bike winter, CBF (Active Trans) etc for helping me get to this point!
I have been riding since the snow began to fall. I did buy a Fender, I was gettin' kinda tired of having a wet ass. I actually take a little pressure out of my tires during the winter. not much mind you, but just enough so that the tire will spread out a teeny bit so the tread can get a better bite on soft surfaces.
The air pressure will contract in cold weather anyway. My cold weather gear is top notch. I havent even pulled out my really cold weather gear yet, the stuff I used in Iceland. I am still at my "middle stage" cold weather gear. However A pair of goggles would be nice. I wear glasses not contacts, so every time I do try goggles My glasses fog up inside the goggles. and the goggles nerver fit over my glasses very well. so I just tough it out or just put up with reduced vision, which is not smart I know. But so far so good this winter.
I just bought $17 ski goggles at Uncle Dans tonight. They are pretty nice. They were $27 but were giving a $10 discount on this brand. I'm already in bed or else I would give more specs. They worked VERY well on my ride home.

M.A.R.K. said:

I know you said you dont wear then, but any chance of getting contacts just for for the winter, or perhaps even smaller frame glasses that will fit inside goggles? What kind of goggle dont fit over your glasses, are they skinnier goggles or huge skiing goggles that cover a huge portion of your face? Try licking your glasses before you put them on under your goggles that may help.. Also, dont they sell an antifog spray for glasses? I believe they do.. But the problem is probably heat in your goggle vs. cold fogging them up. Kind of like if you breath on them to clean them..
In these 20-degree temps, I'm in full winter gear... brrr. But somehow surviving. Last year I discovered the value of snow goggles; but the ones I got have tint to them and now I'm seeking clear goggles for the night riding. It would be nice to have a bike winter mountain bike, but that's still a work in progress... Glad to see we're being safe out there.
9 degrees this morning. I had an icicle (actually a snotcicle) hanging off my mustache by the end of it.
I overslept this morning (thank you very much, stupid company holiday party!) and couldn't make my long route to work. But in the 9 degree temps, I had a substantial load of ice and frost on my balaclava after a 3 mile ride!
I haven't really felt the need to wear my goggles yet. I got some, but I'm generally more comfortable without them. Maybe when it gets below zero or when I'm heading into the wind I'll want them.

One question that I do have is how do I keep my balaclava dry? It always seems to end up soaked with condensation from my breathing through it. It still stays warm, but the grossness factor is starting to get to me. Should I get one with vents or something?
RIght now I dont have any sort of goggles. And currently I am not working, so I spend money on only the neccecary things Bills, rent, food. and Nothing else. I have come up with some pretty creative ways of getting around things. and I have allways been a handy guy, and I can build many things myself. But I just cant afford a pair of goggles of any sort right now. So I do without.
M.A.R.K. said:

I know you said you dont wear then, but any chance of getting contacts just for for the winter, or perhaps even smaller frame glasses that will fit inside goggles? What kind of goggle dont fit over your glasses, are they skinnier goggles or huge skiing goggles that cover a huge portion of your face? Try licking your glasses before you put them on under your goggles that may help.. Also, dont they sell an antifog spray for glasses? I believe they do.. But the problem is probably heat in your goggle vs. cold fogging them up. Kind of like if you breath on them to clean them..
I'm also having trouble keeping the balaclava dry--today it froze to my face. As for the goggles, I tried on a few pair of the ski goggles in the $20-$30 range at REI, but none really work with my helmet. The lenses are too big top to bottom so that the helmet pushes them down into my nose. The kids' goggles are too small, and aside from purchasing a new helmet (which I really don't want to do), does anyone have any other suggestions?


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