Photo by Ronit Bezalel

PeopleForBikes is announcing the fifth annual National Bike Challenge which starts on Sunday, May 1.

The Challenge will unite 100,000+ bicycle riders to pedal 75 million miles from May 1, 2016 until September 30, 2016.  It is an online platform, free for everyone to use to log their miles and celebrate riding, while finding inspiration to ride more often. The Challenge brings together tens of thousands of people who bike across the country who share a love of bicycling. 
Be part of The Chainlink team: 
You can automatically log miles on an app such as Strava or Map My Ride so you can easily sync it up so that it automatically updates their miles in the National Bike Challenge. When you log in, you just need to go to Manage Settings (left hand navigation bar) and scroll down to the Apps section to sync Strava.
This is super easy to be a part of it!
2. Ride your Bike!
3. Set up your auto logging of miles or enter your miles every day you ride.
4. Come back to this thread and post pics and your comments about the challenge.
5. Invite your friends to join us for the National Bike Challenge.

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Nice! I didn't realize Route 66 goes through Berwyn.

For sure. The Mother Road is everywhere! :-)

A quick jaunt down the lakefront trail today, and there couldn't have been better weather!

I'm not proud to say that I also got my first flat of the season today, but I am proud I had a patch kit and was able to finish a nice little loop regardless. Beats sitting indoors!

Beautiful day. I love the way the skyline is peeking above the hill.

Here's some pics from my morning commute. The map photo isn't exactly where I'm at in the other photos, but that red line of brake lights was fun to pass for much of the lakefront path north of downtown. Always happy to not be driving in that queue.

Joined!  The team won't benefit much from my measly miles, but it sounds fun.  :)

Yay! All miles are welcome. We're happy to have you. 

Btw, Will is killing it with his miles! :-) 

So, I signed up last night and got impatient to see my miles from Strava, so I manually added them. This morning, I saw the miles I manually added plus the Strava miles.

I was wondering if you can remove the manual miles?

Oops! :-) I am not able to manage or view the accounts but when I had a question, this is the person that responded:

Could you please reach out to her and see if she can help you?


I did, several times, but they don't disappear.

BTW, I have sent en email to the administrator to remove them.

I figured it out. That first obvious place doesn't work. But the not-so-obvious way, but explained in FAQ - somewhat) is to go into Log Miles part and you can edit the date you entered and I was able to delete that way.

All is right with the world, now.

196.5 miles in 5 days

Good 55 mile jaunt Friday from Uptown to Bulldog Brewery in Whiting, IN and then a spin around Wolf Lake.  Pic seems appropriate for Mother's Day today.  How the hell are they gonna raise over 2 dozen goslings?


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