Edit: Thanks to Peenologist for the Worst Thread Ever crown.

Edit edit: D'oh! he said Worst Possible Thread, not Worst Thread Ever.

7/17: "was Fight with Gabe" removed from subject line for the sake of beauty, privacy, and security.  Representative images added (too bad threads can't have their own custom avatars):



Picked up on OPCC listserv per Bill W; presumably posted today.

I don't know why Active Trans didn't put a warning out about the previous incident mentioned here.


Authored by Tom McGee and posted on the Oak Park Cycle Club facebook page.  :
LAKE STREET WARNING: With the warm weather, and newly added bike lanes on Lake Street, there have been more bike commuters heading into the city...unfortunately, there are some rough neighborhoods people need to cycle through and area street punks see the increase in riders as well.

On my way home from the city to Oak Park last night I was jumped by 2 male teens in an attempt to steal my bike. This occured at Lake & Lavergne. One guy was on the sidewalk, the other hidden behind an L pillar. As I was approaching, I sensed it was bad, but it was too late to react. They came at me from the left and right and pushed me off the bike. I was clipped in and went head first over the handlebars, landing on the right side of my face and shoulder. They did not go for anything but the bike, so when I realized that, I wrestled with them and kept my bike. A motorist stopped to help me, and seeing this they ran.

A number of good samaritans stopped to help me, called 911, and paramedics were on the scene within 10 minutes to get me to the ER. I'm stitched and bumped and bruised, but it could have been a lot worse.

I strongly suggest that riders get the word out to friends who commute, try to ride w/others (there are a number of group rides to/from the loop from what I've heard), and try not to ride too early or too late when other people may not be around to help. 

I've already spoken with John Lankford, Bikeways Campaign Coordinator w/Active Transporation Alliance. He said there was a similar incident on Lake the morning of Bike The Drive. So they are aware of the problem, and will be approaching people @ CDOT and the city to try and address it.

Ride safe,
Tom McGee


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Can we ban O already?  He's completed FUBAR'd like 4 threads. Rambling, going off-topic, talking about previous threads on new threads, and I call total BS on his "life story" above. If any of that were true there would be a made for TV movie about him. 

He's posted 1, exactly 1 comment that wasn't negative/a personal attack, and how everyone on this board is an elitist, poor-people-hating jerk. 

Not really. A troll is a troll.  And i apologize, it's 6/24 comments that are not negative/a personal attack, and/or how everyone on this board is an elitist, poor-people-hating jerk. 

What was this thread originally about, anyway? I thought it was just a warning to be careful when traveling that particular area as there are jerks out there.  I did find the thread entertaining for what it is worth, but the thread hijack-assing is pretty annoying.  

Has anyone read the actual "Story of O" by Pauline Reage?  Just thought I'd put it out there since this thread has digressed so much from the original post that I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. 

Happy Wednesday!

You just changed everything about how I perceive 'O'...

Melanie K said:

What was this thread originally about, anyway? I thought it was just a warning to be careful when traveling that particular area as there are jerks out there.  I did find the thread entertaining for what it is worth, but the thread hijack-assing is pretty annoying.  

Has anyone read the actual "Story of O" by Pauline Reage?  Just thought I'd put it out there since this thread has digressed so much from the original post that I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. 

Happy Wednesday!

Can't we all just grow some skin, let bygones be bygones, and stop trying to re-fight the last battle or make up for the massive butthurt we got when someone disagreed with us/peed in our cheeries in the last thread we participated in with X + Y + n other member(s)?

How about folks just have a few beers and go on a nice ride? 


notoriousDUG said:

You just changed everything about how I perceive 'O'...

Melanie K said:

What was this thread originally about, anyway? I thought it was just a warning to be careful when traveling that particular area as there are jerks out there.  I did find the thread entertaining for what it is worth, but the thread hijack-assing is pretty annoying.  

Has anyone read the actual "Story of O" by Pauline Reage?  Just thought I'd put it out there since this thread has digressed so much from the original post that I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. 

Happy Wednesday!

I posted here a few weeks ago and really regret it.  I am pretty facile with the delete button but feel that I am about to get carpal tunnel syndrome. I had an opinion and have long since forgotten it. I have found the solution to my problems, and perrhaps yours.  After posting, I will use the link below that comes with the many e-mails I now receive. By all..


To stop following this discussion, go to:

I designate this thread a "smells like anus" zone.  It needs to be shut down and cleansed from the bowels of the internet for the benefit of all humanity.  


h' said:

This thread was designated a "topic free zone" shortly after its inception.  The true hijackers are the ones who insist on discussing the west side :-)


Melanie K said:

What was this thread originally about, anyway? I thought it was just a warning to be careful when traveling that particular area as there are jerks out there.  I did find the thread entertaining for what it is worth, but the thread hijack-assing is pretty annoying.  

Has anyone read the actual "Story of O" by Pauline Reage?  Just thought I'd put it out there since this thread has digressed so much from the original post that I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. 

Happy Wednesday!

Smells like Unicorns and sea men...

You mean semen, I'm sure.  Semen does have a vaguely bleachy smell...  It's a sign!  No not talking about anal bleaching.  I'm saying this thread sucks and it needs to be bleached off the face of the Earth.  

Gabe said:

Smells like Unicorns and sea men...

I think this thread my be the best thread ever. I think it should be printed (pictures and all), bound, and sold at Urban Outfitters nationwide. Also, I like turtles!

Would look nice hanging from the sale rack with the v-necks and "ironic" Mitt Romney t-shirts.

Adam Kitzmann said:

I think this thread my be the best thread ever. I think it should be printed (pictures and all), bound, and sold at Urban Outfitters nationwide. Also, I like turtles!


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