Active Transportation Alliance asked the governor candidates about their position on issues important to cyclists. Quinn's response was positive and thorough. Republican Rauner in contrast "chose not to respond"

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It's Election Day

Polls are open between 6am and 7pm.  If you haven't already voted, make plans to get to your polling place.
  • Don't know where to vote?  Go here and type in your address.
  • Not sure what the issues are?  Go here, type in your address, and scroll down for a sample ballot.
  • Not sure if you're registered to vote?  Check it out here.
  • Not registered and still want to vote?  You can.  For more details, click here.
It's said that the midterm elections (that's what's taking place today) affect each of our lives to a greater extent than a Presidential election.  Get out there and be part of it.


Gene Tenner said:

It's Election Day

Polls are open between 6am and 7pm.  If you haven't already voted, make plans to get to your polling place.
  • Don't know where to vote?  Go here and type in your address.
  • Not sure what the issues are?  Go here, type in your address, and scroll down for a sample ballot.
  • Not sure if you're registered to vote?  Check it out here.
  • Not registered and still want to vote?  You can.  For more details, click here.
It's said that the midterm elections (that's what's taking place today) affect each of our lives to a greater extent than a Presidential election.  Get out there and be part of it.

They will start posting results after the polls close.  But they do not have the city numbers. This is the web site for Chicago:  They also start posting after the polls close.  

Of course, those web sites are only good for Cook County offices or things like representatives/senators that only represent districts in Cook County.  If you are looking for statewide offices, these are not helpful for the overall totals.

h' 1.0 said:

Where's the best place to view the results? This appears untouched since last night:

I don't know how many folks this affected, but I've heard from people in many neighborhoods across the city about problems with their names NOT being on voter lists, even when they'd lived in the same place for years and voted there previously. This resulted in people either being given provisional ballots (which may or may not be counted) or being told to go and vote downtown.  Heard about this happening to many people at some polling places. How many folks were deprived of a vote that way? Possibly hundreds or thousands.

I've heard about these incidents in Humboldt Park, Gold Coast, Logan Square, Lawndale, Englewood, South Shore, Avondale and Hermosa. I wonder how many more places this affected, or if it happened in every ward. Did it happen to you, or did you witness it?

Some of the folks who were cheated in this way had gotten cards from the Board of Elections in the last few weeks, confirming that the were registered to vote and listing their polling place. Of people I know who this happened to, they had voted from the same address in the last election. Some overheard others who said they'd lived at the same address for x years and voted in the last election.

It sounds like someone got really overzealous in purging the lists.


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