Just a reminder that World Car-Free Day is this Wednesday (details below).
To help make sure we have enough pithy sayings for Break the Gridlock's rally and ride, please share why you like to be car-free or car lite and/or why you hope others leave their cars at home this Wednesday. . . and many more days in the future. Hope to see many chainlinkers at the event.
Also, have you taken Active Trans' car-free pledge?
http://www.activetrans.org/carfree .
They need 87 people to hit 1000. Would be great to do that by the end of the day. (Chainlinkers can then pat ourselves on the back for breaking into 4 digits ;-)
Even if you are already car-free, it is good to be counted. When you take the pledge, you show support for a less car-dependent future. Even if you have a car now and feel you must rely on it for many trips, I hope you can agree that a future with more walking, biking and transit will be good for us all. In summary--please take the pledge and help spread the word.
Yours in car-freedom and bike love!
(earlier message)
Hope to see many of you next Wednesday, 9/22, at the World Car Free Day Celebration.
http://www.thechainlink.org/events/one-million-less-cars-rally and
http://www.worldcarfree.net/wcfd/The ride leaves at 6pm sharp from Daley Plaza and ends at 7pm at the Bike Winter kick-off meeting* at the Billy Goat on Madison (1535 W.)
Let's show off our best car-freedom costumes** and rhetoric to share a vision of a less car-dependent Chicago.***
As we plan the event, do you have suggestions for the route and slogans? Last year, our route**** was so focused on expressways that we unintentionally picked streets w/o as much activity as we would have liked (the west loop gets quiet quickly).
Thanks for your ideas and, I hope, participation.
Gin (on behalf of Break the Gridlock)
*Bike Winter is great way to cap off a car-free event because the ability to ride year round makes car-free living so much easier and more fun.
**Costumes or creativity not required. Just showing up is the best statement.
***You don't need to be car-free to participate. But even if you do own a car, I hope you agree with the message that our streets and communities would be safer and more pleasant if cars were used less often.
**** mea culpa