Ask Your Representative to Preserve Funding for Biking and Walking

This notice was e-mailed today by the League of American Bicyclists.  Funding for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects is at risk. 

Ask Your Representative to Preserve Biking and Walking

Click here to e-mail a note to your representative.

Transportation Committee votes on biking and walking funding next week 

On Thursday, February 2, we expect the House Transportation Committee to vote on the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, a bill that eliminates crucial funds for biking and walking.  As a Member of the Committee, your representative is in a key position to save dedicated funding for biking and walking.  Please contact them today and ask them to vote to preserve biking and walking.

The American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, the long awaited multi year Transportation bill, eliminates the two largest programs that fund biking and walking infrastructure' Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School.  Without these programs, communities all over the country will lose resources to build the sidewalks, crosswalks, and bikeways that make biking and walking safe and accessible in your community.

We can't let that happen.

That's why we're working to introduce an amendment that will preserve funding for biking and walking. During Thursday's vote, your representative could be the key to making sure that this amendment passes in the Transportation Committee. Will you contact them today to ask that they vote to preserve funding for biking and walking in the transportation bill?

Tell them:

  • Biking and walking make up 12 percent of all trips, but only 1.5 percent of federal funding.
  • Two out of three pedestrian deaths take place on roads built with federal funding.  Ensuring funds for sidewalks, crosswalks, and bikeways help end preventable deaths and make roads safer for everyone.
  • When town centers are biking and walking friendly, business and economic development improves.  

Thank you for all that you do to keep bicycling and walking safe and accessible.

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We'll be sending an alert to our members in key districts this afternoon. The more people that take action, the better (of course).

Tell 'em how great your commute was and that you want them to vote to preserve funding helping kids bike and walk to school. It's for the kids!

Thanks much,

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

I sent my message.

The floor vote is scheduled for 2/13, hopefully it will move out of committee.

Thanks to everyone who took action on this, us, LIB and our national partners appreciate it. There will be another round next week, people.

And thanks to new Active Trans board member, Larry M., for getting the conversation rolling. He's an all around amazing guy.


Ethan Spotts

I've already sent an e-mail to my Representative, Gwen Moore.  I hope more of us Milwaukee cyclists will do the same. This issue unites both Milwaukee and Chicago cyclists.

Just giving this thread a *bump*...


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