Until a few days ago, I'd refused to join the ranks of smartphone users. I had no need for a smartphone before, and it will likely see limited use still, mainly because I can't afford high gb data plans. I have a Sigma BC1609 cycle computer that I switch back and forth between my bikes right now. It has a computer dock that I can use to download info from my rides but I almost never use it. Since over 90 percent of my riding is commuting to work, I'd be downloading the same data every day. I don't "train" or ride a road bike or do intervals or any other type of "hardcore" riding.

What I AM interested in would be an app that would record a route that I ride for leisure that I could then overlay onto Google maps and have that route maybe be interactive with photos shot along the way at points of interest. I'm mainly concerned with seeing if there is a way that my newly-acquired smartphone can add another dimension to my blog posts. Extra data like top speed, average, time, etc. would be fine as well. I'm not looking to race against anyone in Strava or something like that either, unless there's a toned down version for folks riding fully-rigged commuter bikes that weigh 40+ pounds.

Finally, a friend who is a heavy smartphone user told me he's almost never paid for an app because there are so many free ones out there you should be able to find what you want without paying a dime. So, something free would be nice as well. If there's a one-time download charge that's probably okay, provided it's cheap (as in a few dollars), but subscription fees are out of the question. Minimal data use is a plus as well. Suggestions?

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Strava will do everything you need. You don't race against anyone in Strava, it just records your rides (and compares you to other people if you chose to make your rides public). It is 100% free. It will use 0mb of data as long as you upload your rides when connected to wifi. It will provide you with top speed, average, time, etc. You can export you ride as a kml file and do whatever you want with it (blog post, etc.)

In all honesty, Google's own MyTracks app (if you are running Android) is a pretty basic tracking app that will give you .kml or .gpx files as well. I find Stava's user experience far superior, but MyTracks also probably fits all your needs.

kiltedcelt said:

Ah, interesting. My smartphone friend uses Strava as well, but for some reason I'd gotten the impression it was strictly a hardcore racer app - maybe because so many folks try to beat other Strava users segments. I'll have to look into that. I'm guessing that similar interactive ride maps that I've seen is something done more with Google maps and the imported .kml file you mention than something actually done with Strava itself.

Will G - 10mi said:

Strava will do everything you need. You don't race against anyone in Strava, it just records your rides (and compares you to other people if you chose to make your rides public). It is 100% free. It will use 0mb of data as long as you upload your rides when connected to wifi. It will provide you with top speed, average, time, etc. You can export you ride as a kml file and do whatever you want with it (blog post, etc.)

So Strava on a mobile records your rides. To do so, it requires some bike holster, and needs to be turned on all ride long, so that it can record? Does it require for the screen to be on all the time? I am mainly worried about the battery life for some really long rides I have planned in the next few months.

Now that I finally ordered a new smartphone I might give it a try, especially since it is free.

Look for some new standards in slowness appearing on Strava soon ;)

Will G - 10mi said:

In all honesty, Google's own MyTracks app (if you are running Android) is a pretty basic tracking app that will give you .kml or .gpx files as well. I find Stava's user experience far superior, but MyTracks also probably fits all your needs.

kiltedcelt said:

Ah, interesting. My smartphone friend uses Strava as well, but for some reason I'd gotten the impression it was strictly a hardcore racer app - maybe because so many folks try to beat other Strava users segments. I'll have to look into that. I'm guessing that similar interactive ride maps that I've seen is something done more with Google maps and the imported .kml file you mention than something actually done with Strava itself.

Will G - 10mi said:

Strava will do everything you need. You don't race against anyone in Strava, it just records your rides (and compares you to other people if you chose to make your rides public). It is 100% free. It will use 0mb of data as long as you upload your rides when connected to wifi. It will provide you with top speed, average, time, etc. You can export you ride as a kml file and do whatever you want with it (blog post, etc.)

It does use your GPS for location tracking and does add extra battery strain on the phone. However, it doesn't require your screen to stay on and your app can be running in the background while you do other things.

On longer rides, I always carry a spare battery or an external battery charger.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

So Strava on a mobile records your rides. To do so, it requires some bike holster, and needs to be turned on all ride long, so that it can record? Does it require for the screen to be on all the time? I am mainly worried about the battery life for some really long rides I have planned in the next few months.

Now that I finally ordered a new smartphone I might give it a try, especially since it is free.

Look for some new standards in slowness appearing on Strava soon ;)

Endomondo fan of this product as it allows for me to track walk, bike, and sailing mileage.

I have never experienced that issue.

Well, look at that. On the day that I had planned a long ride after work, my new phone shows up. Installed Strava, created an account, charged my phone, hit the start button, and put it inside my pannier. 3 hours later, a little to my surprise, it showed me exactly how far i rode and all kinds of other details I didn't know I cared about.

I'm officially impressed.

Oh, and my Garmin Edge 500 all of a sudden became a lot less useful.

Duppie, are you selling the Edge 500 then? I might be interested.

Also, I have a fancy heart rate monitor that's compatible with your Android phone if you are interested. I mean, what casual cyclist isn't interested in tracking their heart rate over the course of a ride?! ;)

I don't think it is worth selling. The screen is only half working.

Will G - 10mi said:

Duppie, are you selling the Edge 500 then? I might be interested.

Also, I have a fancy heart rate monitor that's compatible with your Android phone if you are interested. I mean, what casual cyclist isn't interested in tracking their heart rate over the course of a ride?! ;)

Duppie, I PM'd you.

I've been using it since August last year and that's never happened.  The free version's fine for tracking biking, walking and just about anything else.

kiltedcelt said:

Well, Endomondo would appear to be a good choice except for its apparent propensity for opening porn websites the phones browser. Endomondo porn. I think I'll keep looking until this is sorted out.

Apparently I have other porn sources than my phone so the adverts from endomondo don't assume I'm a perv and feed me those ads.

Apparently. heh


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