Are the Marauders and other like minded cyclists meeting up before the Mcdonalds Midnight L.A.T.E Ride somewhere? Anyone planning on crashing the ride in large numbers?

I don't see anyone discussing this happening online or in person. And for some reason I ain't on the MM list serve, I should probably get on that.


Two years ago the L.A.T.E Ride audit was super bad ass fun. It was certainly one of the more memorable midnight rides in recent memory.


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Down To FuckWithTheLATERide

I like that.  Me too.

Joe Sak said:


Down To FuckWithTheLATERide

i'll be a work until LATE LATE LATE. But if y'all text me, I'll be near the route.

BTW, my phone shorted in the rain on Marauders June 2012, so I'd appreciate it if y'all would text me your numbers.

two years ago was awesome! i still have my zorro mask too :)

hmm, that could be interesting

The Mc L.A.T.E. Ride doesn't publish their route ahead of time because they don't want people auditing their ride. Silly as it seems. They think people should pay money to ride in a large group. LOL! Silly yuppies.

However, thanks to technology, people have documented previous rides.

Looks like the common route is Halsted at Greek Town. What was the bar we met at back in 2010?

Shar your zorro masks were the best! Let's do it, gang!!

Spencer, et. al.:

I really find that your attitude towards the folks who give of their time and monies to support the urban transportation landscape offensive. Many of the folks who attend the big three rides (of which the LATE Ride is one) are from the collar counties and suburbs. We have plenty of rides that we could and do support both here in Illinois and in other nearby states. We do not have to contribute to the welfare of an arrogant urban population of bicycle riders who find us "silly yuppies".

I place the blame for threads like this at the feet of the leadership of this board. But in reality it really belongs at the feet of the agencies in Chicago which tap the suburban market for funds to help meet their operation costs. I say this because they are complicit in your activities and seemingly supportive of your attitude despite the fact that they are members of this forum as well, but seemingly remain strangely silent.

If the LATE ride is for losers, then why even bother showing up? Why not enjoy a romp through non-route regions of the city where you can behave as wildly as you choose to without the possibility of endangering riders with less experience than yourselves who are likely to be even more vulnerable in darkness?

I took the time to spell out my feelings about the general tone set here on the ChainLink at this location. You remind me of the way in which folks in the Segregated South of my youth behaved when dealing with the poor disenfranchised "coloreds" of the 1950s and 1960s.

Your actions seem immature to me but what do I know. I taught junior high students for a decade and only have that experience to compare with your behavior. This thread and the one attributing the burning of the Lakefront Trail Path to "urban youth" when upon close inspection it appears to have been a controlled burn in service of a landscaping change just south of the 31st Street Harbor is another example of the way in which you arrogance exceeds the ability to be civil. You seem to put forth the notion that Black Youth were the possible culprits but I never saw a retraction of that original premise. it was allowed to linger for posterity. Shame on this group for being so bigoted.

For folks to have suggested that the fire might also have gladly burned up the trees used in the Art Installation at that harbor I found appalling. It is time for this group to "grow up". You are fine decent people with arrested development issues. Behaving like teen agers in your late twenties and thirties is about as cute as trying to wear a thong bikini in your 80s. Few folks can pull that off.

We have far too much difficulty trying to get funds from Congress to have evidence of the type that this thread demonstrates in plain view. I have said it before and I will say it again, the best way for the Tea Party to get its pound of flesh out of transportation bills is to reference this forum and some of the threads that have erupted here. It is almost as if you are either trying to sabotage the work of ATA and FOP or are simply clueless about the effects of your words.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

The Mc L.A.T.E. Ride doesn't publish their route ahead of time because they don't want people auditing their ride. Silly as it seems. They think people should pay money to ride in a large group. LOL! Silly yuppies.

So it looks like it's this coming Saturday . . . is the preference to ride with the ride or against it?

H, with the ride, In the same direction as the ride. And no, this isn't an expressly oppositional get together against the Mc L.A.T.E. Ride. It is simply free people enjoying the road coincidentally the same time an official (expensive as fuck) ride happens to be taking place. Maybe we'll show the riders in the McRide that you can actually bike on the road for free.

I'm signed up to ride. And not ironically. But I'm ok with that... 

Yes, it's going to be slow and there will be a ton of people but I love the fact that organizing my group of friends meant that friends that don't normally ride their bikes are riding in it. I consider the Late Ride a gateway drug to many other longer rides. My memories of riding in it in the 90s are very happy. I'm not worried about Friends of the Parks losing your entry fee because I think they charge too much for the ride considering how many people are in it. It's $40-45/person times 10k participants which makes me think our parks should have laser light shows by now! 

So if you are "auditing" the ride and you see me, you can laugh at me. I don't mind. :-)

Dear O, your post is not germane to the conversation at hand. So I will largely ignore it. But I did take umbrage when you said, " about as cute as trying to wear a thong bikini in your 80s. Few folks can pull that off." That may be true but most of the elderly Chainlink'sers, CCM'ers and Naked Bikers just happen to be the ones that can pull it off.

It's $40-45/person times 10k participants which makes me think our parks should have laser light shows by now!

I have had this exact same argument with other ATA and FOP events and staff. They are inherently classicist by setting the price for entry so high that they automatically exclude low income earners. And before people say it, yes, I know you can get in for cheaper if you volunteer, but fuck that. The price is absurd and everyone knows it. I give money to the ATA but I don't appreciate their exclusivity when it comes to their events. That is why we audit.


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