Any LBS carry in stock Velo Orange hammered fenders 700c * 50mm

Looking to get them locally, if possible.

Any LBS carry these in stock?


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I haven't seen them at any of my usual shops, but probably any shop could order them for you.

Maybe Comrade or Kozy's? They carry Velo Orange.

I have seen hammered fenders at Blue City. I dunno who made them or what size they were.

Though they're not hammered, I got a nice set of steel Gilles Berthoud 40mm fenders that Marcus ordered at Yojimbos. They're pretty much bomb proof and I'd highly recommend them. Marcus had done an order through Peter White cycles. These are the second set of these fenders I've owned, only because I sold the other set with my LHT.

I don't think Velo Orange makes hammered fenders in 50mm. I only see 35 and 45 hammered on their website. But they do make a 50mm fender in snakeskin which is pretty similar. 

I need to stop at Comrade on the way home tonight so I'll see if they have any in stock. But like someone else mentioned any shop can order them for you. 


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