Saw this one on the Wisconsin Bike Fed blog:

Unlike other incidents I've seen reported, this one appears to involve people who likely knew each other. The two were coworkers, both working for WS Packaging Solutions in Algoma, WI.

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Mr. Ezell was mentioned in this thread.

A newspaper that was cited in the thread had a separate article about another Ragbrai rider, Mr. Ezell had been  one, who  was seriously injured when  his tent was hit and dragged by a pickup truck. That man was a friend of Mr. Ezell's.

Didn't see this get mentioned last month.  I feel I owe it to this couple to mention it since they were friends of a woman who is friend of a lady I assisted in creating a local bicycling program to help beginner riders.

Follow up detail of the crash

Thanks. It was mentioned before I started trying to be consistent in the way I listed the people who died. If you search for "Morris" on the first page of this thread you'll see a couple mentions.

I've been thinking that I should probably try to get these data into a more useful form, some sort of online database.


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