Bike Pittsburgh ( is another awesome bike site supporting cyclists in that city.  

I just saw this shared on their fb page, and thought, hey we helped one of our own win a recent contest, so maybe we can do the same for them.

Help Bike Pittsburgh win a an $8,500 office makeover! Vote for them in the IKEA USA Life Improvement Challenge.

Note: You have to enter an email address, so you'll probably get Ikea spam afterwards... if you don't want the emails from them I don't see any reason you can give your alternative email :))

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I voted.

Done! Pittsburgh is one of my favorite cities! They don't have a lot of bike-friendly streets, as far as I could tell (only been there twice) and plus its reeeaally hilly! So cyclists need all the help they can get, imo! 

It's improving. BikePgh has been a wonderful advocate for cycling in da burgh. As someone who frequently travels between Chicago, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh, I love seeing the mutual support.

Julie, you're awesome!

Here's a recent positive sign for cycling in Pgh

Pippy Duchamp said:

Done! Pittsburgh is one of my favorite cities! They don't have a lot of bike-friendly streets, as far as I could tell (only been there twice) and plus its reeeaally hilly! So cyclists need all the help they can get, imo! 


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