Angry people out today - Not enough self-medicating going on.

Ever have one of those days when every angry individual in the city is bound to cross your path, or so it seems?

Ride down the lakefront for a 9 AM dental appt. in the Loop.  Mobs of runners all over the path, running in groups some of which were 4 abreast.  Heard and received yells of "Walk your bike!"  "Get off the path!" and such. 

Going back north to North Ave on the lakefront, more groups of runners and now lots of impatient Lance Armstrong wanna-bees careening around as fast as the tailwind would push them.  Wanted to stick around and see them hit the wall on the ride back north; some fierce north wind, particularly between Olive Park and Oak Street Beach.

Stop in at REI to do some shopping and then a ride north to Pelly's Liquors.  Angry Lincoln Park moms pushing strollers, impatient drivers honking (had some trash thrown at me getting up to Wrigleyville) at riders.  Lots of douche-tastic people out there today who could benefit from copious amounts of Xanex or Valium or vodka or all of it.

Hopefully y'all have safer experiences today than I did; I'm not venturing out again until the Marauders ride tonight.

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God I really don't miss the NortSide...
Ugh...had my fill of oblivious Lincoln Parkers today. Almost got doored on my way to AND from work today. Lovely.
Just one of those days for you.

Still, I think this shit has happened before to most all year-round commuters.

One day on Clybourne and Kingsbury two young punks out of a group of six tried grabbing me off of my bicycle. Not surprised it happened in that part of town.
I was just venting. People are always rude to cyclists but it struck me today that folks seemed angrier and more impatient than usual.

Juan Dominguez said:
Just one of those days for you. Still, I think this shit has happened before to most all year-round commuters.

One day on Clybourne and Kingsbury two young punks out of a group of six tried grabbing me off of my bicycle. Not surprised it happened in that part of town.
I counted four door opening in my path on the way down Milwaukee today. Four, really? I was riding on the outside of the bike lane so there were no close calls, but still. People are oblivious.

Laura Blake said:
Ugh...had my fill of oblivious Lincoln Parkers today. Almost got doored on my way to AND from work today. Lovely.
On the west side critical mass yesterday Damian had a gun pulled on him because he was in front of a car turning left. I also smelled the self medication coming from the car so I guess we need to find another way to help those poor gang banger's on the south side.

That's happened to me in Uptown. Riding to work one early morning, some youngster walked out in the middle of the street, pointed his pistol at my head and yelled, "Bang!" with a big shit eating grin. Chances are these gunslingers couldn't hit the broadside of a barn at ten paces but then again, they might get lucky. Sure gets ones heart to racing.

I don't understand the thought processes of people at all. I hope someone took the plate info from that car and called the police. Amazing.

Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican said:
On the west side critical mass yesterday Damian had a gun pulled on him because he was in front of a car turning left. I also smelled the self medication coming from the car so I guess we need to find another way to help those poor gang banger's on the south side.
A note on oblivious door openers - the first time I ever heard a cyclist yell "door!" I incorrectly assumed it was to alert to person in the car rather than any cyclists in a group behind him. So on at least one occasion, while riding alone, I yelled "DOOR!" right into a car just after my progress was nearly impeded. It felt pretty damn good.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
I counted four door opening in my path on the way down Milwaukee today. Four, really? I was riding on the outside of the bike lane so there were no close calls, but still. People are oblivious.

Laura Blake said:
Ugh...had my fill of oblivious Lincoln Parkers today. Almost got doored on my way to AND from work today. Lovely.
I let things like that "bother" me for a long while. eventually it started to cheer me up knowing my day was, seemingly, going better then theirs(based on their mood compared to mine).
Funny thing, just the other day a woman got stuck in the intersection @ Damen and Montrose just in time for some A hole biker guy to decide he wanted to run the light and then felt a need to start swearing at her just because she still had the green and he did not want to wait. Needless to say I felt obligated to try and start shit with this guy and I did, but lucky for both of us he made the wise move and just kept on riding. Funny thing how people are so bad azz when the can pick on someone who cannot respond or are in a weaker position but won't start trouble with someone who they know are looking for a good excuse to go nuts. Boys, you can drop the ego, cause it makes you look like a total idiot.
"Angry people out today - Not enough self-medicating going on".

Yes, today also.

I've started hollering at people who are texting while driving. I'm sure it makes me look like an asshole, but they usually put their phones down.. (although a woman the other day tried to say she "wasn't texting." Just, I dunno, using her phone and swerving all over the road, which is..better? Oof.)


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