Located in Lincoln Park at 800 W Altgeld St, Chicago. They specialized in electric & cargo bikes. Their website is gone as is the sister company wanderbike. 



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Word I heard is they have closed their doors.

Not a surprise really.

I'm bummed... I test rode a Yuba Mundo there and was just waiting to save up enough to go back and buy it.  Where's the best place to get a Yuba in the city?  Green Machine doesn't sell them. 

The Yuba website includes a dealer locator: http://yubabikes.com/dealer-locator

I know from personal experience that JC Lind and Blue City Cycles used to sell Yuba Mundos, but I don't know if the are currently Yuba dealers. JC Lind (http://jclindbikes.com/) doesn't mention Yuba on the website anymore (though Yuba still lists them as a dealer). Blue City Cycles include Yuba on their site (http://www.bluecitycycles.com/about/) but the Yuba site itself doesn't include them in the dealer listing.


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