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 What is your favorite?


Mine is : Lots of people worked their asses off to build whatever you’re riding on. You should thank them.

My favorite is probably: Wheelies are the best trick ever invented. That’s just a fact.
Your bikeshop is not trying to screw you. They’re trying to stay open.
My favorite: The more you ride your bike, the less your ass will hurt.

I like these:


A pristine bike free of dirt, scratches, and wear marks makes me sort of sad.


A bike that’s been chained to the same tree for three years caked with rust and missing parts makes me sad too.

You can have your saddle at whatever angle makes you happy.


So salacious! Oh my heavens.

It's so tough to pick just ONE favorite.  There are so many great thoughts on this list.  :)
I'm partial to the theme of "your wheel size / spoke count / gearing is fine."

I'm partial to this line, as, I've been both.


The moral of RAGBRAI is that families and drunken boobs can have fun on the same route, just maybe at different times of day.

Toe overlap is not the end of the world, unless you crash and die – then it is.


For you, but since you are all figments of my imagination if/when it happens to me, everything ends...

if you meet a solipsist, smack him on the head and tell him to stop beating himself up.

James Baum said:

Toe overlap is not the end of the world, unless you crash and die – then it is.


For you, but since you are all figments of my imagination if/when it happens to me, everything ends...

If you meet the Buddha on the road kill him, for he is not the true Buddha.


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