All Bike Lanes Are Not Created Equal - Parity for the South & West Sides

All bike lanes are not created equal.
Source: Redeye

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Hear, hear!

Yes!!!  This is what I've been saying for a long time now.  On the south side, especially south and west of Hyde Park, the barriers to transportation cycling are significant and bike infrastructure is sparse, but appreciated where we have it.  This is also true on the west side. Now we need more to connect the gaps and make it safer and more feasible to ride more than a mile or two on our south and west sides. There's plenty of demand out there, largely unseen by the powers that be due to the relative lack of infrastructure.

On the South and West sides, “the roads tend to be wider, cars tend to go faster, the connections aren’t as good,” Burke said. “Cycling is ideal when you’re going a mile or two or three [in the city], and key destinations are sometimes farther apart on the South and West sides.” 


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