A fair number of runoffs in our immediate future; these are the ones I'm most familiar with. Feel free to comment or add others.

Source is

Trib election center.


50th: Stone blocked a completion of an off street bike route with an underpass (roughly Lincoln/Kedzie) that was completely planned and funded, basically just because he felt like it


25th: Morfin participated in a community effort that got most of Pilsen downzoned to RS3-- anyone in favor of downzoning for any reason just doesn't understand how we need density in order to keep our communities compact enough to be easily scalable without a motor vehicle, and especially is clueless as to the single quality that most gives Pilsen and Chinatown their character.  Pilsen is in kind of a formative stage in terms of bike infrastructure and is on its way to becoming the new Wicker Park in terms of cyclist density.


24th: Also kind of a bike infrastructure frontier-- includes parts of Lawndale and Garfield (and a little piece of the Boulevard I traverse most days)-- ripe for new infrastructure and especially youth programs.

50th Ward Alderman

93% of precincts reporting
Updated 9:28 p.m.
Source: Associated Press
Candidate Votes Pct.
Stone 3,962 37.0%  
Silverstein 3,603 33.6%  
Brewer 2,080 19.4%  
Khan 625 5.8%  
Moses 451 4.2%  

25th Ward Alderman

100% of precincts reporting
Updated 9:28 p.m.
Source: Associated Press
Candidate Votes Pct.
Solis 4,291 48.9%  
Morfin 2,451 28.0%  
Medrano 2,025 23.1%  

24th Ward Alderman

100% of precincts reporting
Updated 9:28 p.m.
Source: Associated Press
Candidate Votes Pct.
Dixon 1,783 19.5%  
Chandler 1,197 13.1%  
Boyce 841 9.2%  
Leonard 697 7.6%  
Fields 606 6.6%  
Stroud 605 6.6%  
Anderson 482 5.3%  
Johnson 477 5.2%  
Cook 459 5.0%  
Spellman 435 4.8%  
Williams 369 4.0%  
Bass 346 3.8%  
Lewis 309 3.4%  
Turner 203 2.2%  
Lawson 137 1.5%  
Nelson 113 1.2%  
Carter 44 0.5%  
Lard 37 0.4%  

Views: 112

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Hi H3-

Don't know how I could help in the 25th but let me know if I can! Is Temoc Morfin interested in transit? J.


I'm currently interning at ISEC, and I'm working on a bicycling campaign this spring where Illinois students gather signatures (at Critical Mass and college campuses) about a bicycling issue that we then take to Rahm or Pat's office (or other). Last year we gathered about 4,000 signatures on postcards regarding Climate Change advocacy which we then hand-delivered to Senator Durbin's office.  Durbin wasn't at his office at the time, but the time before that, Senator Burris actually stopped by and spoke with students about the signatures delievered.


Is this something you (or anyone else) would consider as a project to help out on?  I'll be posting a casual survey on Chainlink soon about which issue to campaign for.  If you have any ideas, let me know.  Email me at mkenseth at greenstudents dot org.


H3N3 said:

Do you have any specifics on further plans? There have been virtually no reports and many dropped communications.

I had a lengthy conversation with John Lankford at the Cycle Swap about post-election plans. We didn't talk specifically about run-offs in the wards, but we did talk about the idea of working to establish ward citizen advisory committees to work on walk-bike-transit issues.


I dropped him a note suggesting that he weigh in on this discussion thread.

H3N3 said:

Do you have any specifics on further plans? There have been virtually no reports and many dropped communications.

Anne Alt said:
Walk Bike Transit's work is ongoing.

H3N3 said:

Well, I live a few feet outside of the 25th so I don't really have a need to choose a candidate (would be perfectly happy to support an opponent of Solis if that opponent promised to be better in any way) but we do have an opportunity to make sure they're thinking about and talking about issues that matter to us.

Anyone had any contact with Walk Bike Transit? Anyone know of any further plans, or does that effort go on hold now?

From my conversations with Morfin he seemed knowledgeable on the topic and enthusiastic about the issue. No complaints here.

I like that Morfin's website outlines his positions on all the issues. Solis' website is completely useless if you want to find out his plans for the community or any of his stances on the issues. It serves to be a nice billboard and that's about it. www.dannysolis.org

At least Morfin takes a stand. Looking at Solis' website, it's clear: he doesn't feel the need to show any accountability or leadership.

H3N3 said:

I just dropped him a line to find out.

Here's what I can find on his website (peripherally related):

Hasn't heard that the Blue Bag program is defunct:


Transit didn't rank under "Infrastructure" but he mentions sidewalks twice:


Diet but not exercise as a solution for obesity:


Compulsory mention under "environment."


I think it's exciting that both 25th ward candidates were at the Bike Winter Art Show last night. I had to go before getting a chance to ask any questions. I'm curious about what anyone else there might have had a chance to discuss specifically with either Solis or Morfin that they are excited about. Looks like cycling is a factor this year for sure.


Very interesting.  Did anyone here get to chat with them?

jennifer james said:

I think it's exciting that both 25th ward candidates were at the Bike Winter Art Show last night. I had to go before getting a chance to ask any questions. I'm curious about what anyone else there might have had a chance to discuss specifically with either Solis or Morfin that they are excited about. Looks like cycling is a factor this year for sure.


Lauren Pacheco here from the Chicago Urban Art Society. 

The 14th Winter Art Bike Show brought over 500 people to the March 11th opening.  Over 60 pieces and bicycle prototypes filled the 3,800 square foot gallery.  Aside from the visual art gallery, CUAS and the show organizers worked tirelessly to honor the cycling community in Chicago.  People viewed.  People laughed.  People bought.  People also engaged Walk Bike Transit's design charrette.  Executive Director John Lankford encouraged cyclists to give their voice on improving biking conditions.  The event was not only a gallery opening but it served as a public forum. It was a great evening and am proud to have hosted it this year. 


Here's the thing.  The biking community has a voice.  Community members, businesses and political leaders need to listen and take part in ensuring ideas are shared, improvements are made and synergies are developed.  Each of us has a responsibility to engage.  We all have relationships in public and private arenas.  Local government relationships are critical in making change.  We all recognize how important they are to this process. 


I am sure Alderman Solis recognizes that Pilsen is not only home to a wide ranging artistic diversity, but it also serves as home to a major cycling community AND is a cross-community highway.  Advocating for MORE bike parking options, BETTER signage, CLEAR bike paths, and SMART bike highways was not only well received by Solis but quickly initiated by REAL conversations with Active Transportation Alliance (ATA), the City of Chicago and Walk Bike Transit.  Solis is also in favor of bike parking options as public art projects presented by another Alderman on the north side.  This is great stuff.  A great merge of functionality and art.  How do I know this?  I asked.  Simple.


Whether you support Solis or Morfin, both understand that biking conditions need to be improved.  I urge the 25th Ward voters to consider whom the most qualified candidate is to lead the ward into the future of Chicago's cycling community.  We are in the position to serve as a model for other communities to take our lead.  Let's rally together.  Form a smart actionable plan.  Engage key players.  Build momentum.  Mis-information and gossip are the real barriers. 


I'm here to work.  Let's do this Chi.  





Well in the 50th Stone must go his reactionary attitude and tyrannical ways have hurt this city too much for too long. Silverstein (and her husband) have been heard as open minded toward bike advocacy. Her Hubby has been active during his tenure in achieving some good for bike improvements at the state level.

Admittedly she has a history in city political work but at this point it is a one or the other choice and STONE MUST GO

I sat with a handful of other cyclists and heard him descibe us as little more than terrorists just because we had the audacity to question his decision to stop the bike/pedestrian bridge when he knew a senior center was being built that would be servicing seniors in the neighborhood east of the channel at their door. Even if he hated bikers the access issue for the seniors should have been sufficient to advocate for the bridge being built.


The Chicagoan


The Chicagoan

Hopefully the old way of doing things in the city are going to change. A great start would be to get rid of some of these long standing Alderman. Thank you for the Wiki link to Stone's page, what a petulant little child.

Sorry I headed home right after the ride on Friday, it would have been nice to meet some of the candidates.


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