Is anyone aware of a voting guide for the Feb. Ballot? I'm specifically concerned about picking bike/transit friendly aldermen.

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I'm in 46th Ward.  ELEVEN candidates.  I want the one that will remove the gangbangers/drug dealers.  That will make the ward bike/transit friendly.


Not much of a decision for me in the 40th.  I actually thought I was in the 47th up until I actually looked it up.
Alderman Ariel Reboyras of the 30th ward is a board member of Active Transportation Alliance.

Best candidate in the 46th Ward, hands down, is Molly Phelan. I know her well and she'll do a great job.

in it to win it said:

I'm in 46th Ward.  ELEVEN candidates.  I want the one that will remove the gangbangers/drug dealers.  That will make the ward bike/transit friendly.


Me and my wife have it down to Molly or Michael Carroll.  Either would be a vast improvement.

Why do you pick Molly over Michael?

Mike Keating said:

Best candidate in the 46th Ward, hands down, is Molly Phelan. I know her well and she'll do a great job.

in it to win it said:

I'm in 46th Ward.  ELEVEN candidates.  I want the one that will remove the gangbangers/drug dealers.  That will make the ward bike/transit friendly.


39th Ward: Margaret Laurino


She was instrumental in getting the bike path along Lawrence, and she got the Sauganash Trail Built.


Her downside: she doesn't wear a helmet, but then again she doesn't bike too often.



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