After parking complaints from locals, a West Side protected lane is being changed to a buffered lane

The Chicago Department of Transportation recently installed protected bike lanes on Independence Boulevard in Lawndale, an underserved community on the city's West Side. 24th Ward Alderman Michael Chandler signed off on the design a year ago. But after locals complained that they felt unsafe exiting their cars in the new "floating" parking lanes, and that the new configuration makes church and residential parking more difficult, Chandler blasted the lanes at community meetings and demanded that they be changed to allow curbside parking.

CDOT will be repainting the lanes this winter to convert them to buffered lanes, which do not provide a physical barrier between cyclists and moving cars, at an estimated additional cost in the low $10,000s. I talked to CDOT deputy commissioner Scott Kubly to get his perspective on the issue, and learn about the department's strategies to avoid this situation in the future:

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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Thank you for the reply, Anne.

It is nice to know that someone is actually reading our comments....and replying to them...when they are about community concerns.





Anne Alt 2-10 said:

Manny - I was a community outreach volunteer for the Streets for Cycling Plan 2020.  In most areas of the city, getting residents to come out, get information and offer their thoughts on the plan was a challenge.  There was publicity about the meetings, but most residents did not attend.  The plan was developed through input from those who did attend.

I've said from the beginning that education and outreach to coincide with the introduction of new lanes would be critical to their success.  I think it's unfortunate that CDOT, aldermen and neighborhood chambers of commerce haven't done more to get the word out and ensure the success of these changes.

In areas like the west side, we tend to have a "chicken or the egg" dilemma with most new bike lanes. The streets where many of us would like to have them currently don't get a lot of bike traffic, so non-cyclists in the neighborhoods may not perceive a need for the lanes.  Once they're established (as long as they're not constantly violated by cars), more cyclists are likely to come.  

We've had similar issues with some south side bike lanes (such as King Drive).  I'm currently pushing for one of the biggies yet to come - Vincennes. Many of us on the far south side could really benefit from having lanes re-established on Vincennes (as well as viaduct repair at 83rd St.).  We definitely have a "chicken or the egg" situation there.  Bike traffic is low, and there isn't going to be a significant amount without improvements to make it easier to ride between neighborhoods.  For those of us who were involved on the south side, getting those improvements so we could get around easier, as well as encouraging others to ride, was a big motivator.

I applaud those aldermen who have supported the plan.  I hope that we can get more buy-in from south and west side aldermen as the route network continues to expand.  If you live in a ward where you're not sure of your alderman's position on bike routes, speak up.  Contact the ward office and let them know that you want bike lanes.

I want to know what heppened to the bike lane(s) on Archer (NE & SW bound)under the overpass just before Halsted, and anywhere else on Archer (SW from that point).

There is plenty of room for one on the north side of the street until the bridge over the River/Canal before Ashland.

One is also needed SW bound from Ashland to the I-55 on-ramp pathway (some fricken "genius" figured that moronic route out by using the "Helen Keller view of the Interstate" app) that was added during the "rebuild" of that area (something that happened during the 19+ yrs that I was away from Chicago serving in the military). I think it was much better when there was a "Thru-traffic" over pass, and the lower for local traffic. (No use crying over spilled and curdled miilk...LOL !)

I would also like to see bike lanes all the way to Cicero or Harlem. I would like to safely go out to the SW suburbs to the Forest Preserves, Little Red Schoolhouse, Maple/Bullfrog Lakes, Swallow Cliff, etc. for a picnic/hike, without needing to depend on my car/truck.

And I am pretty sure that I am not alone on this one.





Anne Alt 2-10 said:

Archer and Vincennes are complex ones for the planners.  I know that Archer is more complex due to the mix of zoning/property usage.

Does anyone on the planning team have an update about Archer?  I know several people who would *love* to see bike lanes there.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

This whole thing is particularly frustrating for those of us on the southwest side who still don't have any kind of bike lanes on most of Archer despite the fact that it does get used by a lot of riders and that there are no viable alternatives due to a tangle of the canal, the interstate, the airport, intermodal facilities and other rail lines.

Sure thing Manny.


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