I was weaving my way through Sauganash today, going down Bryn Mawr, and noticed a long stretch of trail I hadn't seen before.  I checked it out on google maps, and it looks like it goes from the Edens-Kennedy junction all the way up to Granville & Pulaski.  Although from what I saw, it certainly wasn't a "bike path," it looked like it would be rideable.  This area is so terrible for bicycling, it would be a great alternative to streets if it's legal.  I didn't see any threatening signs.

Has anyone ridden this?

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I actually explored this over summer...found it while looking for some "single track".

The Doty said:

I went for a ride today and snapped some pictures this time for the curious: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thedoty/sets/72157628143770944/

Thanks for posting the link.  It looks like the proposed extension of the Sauganash trail would connect with the proposed Skokie trail mentioned in the article.

Duppie said:

Here is a map that displays locations of both the Weber Spur (proposed) and the Sauganash trail (existing).


Hopefully, someday the Sauganash trail will link up to the existing Skokie Valley Line in the northern suburbs. It's the same abandoned railroad right of way.


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