I don't think I'm the first one to think of this (I'm pretty sure I'm not, it's simply impossible), but here it is, just in case.

Your very smart phone rings while you're riding your bike. You don't have the headphones with a mic and a button, or a bluetooth headset with voice activation, or gloves with touch-screen-compatible fingertips, and even if you do have such gloves, they don't always work very well. What to do?

Use the tip of you nose!


Got it? ;)

Views: 543

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Let it go to voicemail... if it's important enough, they'll leave a message or call later.

Or, pull over to the side of the road, take your glove off, and answer the call.

mike w. said:

Let it go to voicemail... if it's important enough, they'll leave a message or call later.

You can also use your tongue. Happy Valentines day!

Been there, done that. :-P
Ace Mann said:

You can also use your tongue. Happy Valentines day!
Have a nice crash.

I think Mike might have been referencing your original post ("while you're riding your bike").  You never mentioned pulling over.  That's what I thought anyway, which made me think your suggestion was not so safe.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Why so? I wouldn't do it while riding. Have a crash yourself!

I assumed it was a tip to the masses instead of preaching to the choir?

Here is a demo of Serge's method.
skip to 00:40

The "No Lock" app (at least on Android), gets rid of the annoying lock screen feature.

However, I wouldn't want to keep you from using the full potential of your nose though!:)


mike w. said:

Let it go to voicemail... if it's important enough, they'll leave a message or call later.

iphone 4s enough said.

My tip is not to have things in your ear while you ride your bike.


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