To my shame, I didn't get on a bike today. But did walk with my wife and our son's dog along the beach. What did you do to enjoy this great, rare day?

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Didn't get to ride Saturday as I spent most of the day at an aikido seminar. I missed the chance for a beautiful ride but as aikido is as much of a love for me as riding I was still quite happy with my day.

As for today though...great day for a ride!
Tweed ride! Hope to get out today too. Nicest weekend since September.
Helped to stuff 500+ bikes into a shipping container headed to Tanzania, went out for an open air beer with my wife, and then bought some provisions at the new Gene's Sausage Shop in Lincoln Square. A good day through and through.
Yesterday rode our bikes to LP zoo. Walked around for a while and then did see a movie. This morning I did a quick ride up to Highland Park and back. Later today we plan to go to Domicile in Lincolnwood, to look for a lamp or a rug.
A beautiful weekend indeed
So how is that sausage shop? I did see an ad for it and I LOVE cured/smoked/encased meats. Is it worth riding over there?

Sean W. said:
Helped to stuff 500+ bikes into a shipping container headed to Tanzania, went out for an open air beer with my wife, and then bought some provisions at the new Gene's Sausage Shop in Lincoln Square. A good day through and through.
Friday: Biked 40 miles on my fancy bike.
Saturday: Biked 45 miles on my fancy bike.
Today: Bike 50 miles on my fancy bike!
Thanks to the chainlink pickup ride group, Tominator lead a small & happy group up to Highland Park today, by the least predictable route (as in, we don't exactly know how we got there...) total milage = just over 50 and loads of fun, plus chocolate donuts for everyone! Great ride & great way to spend most of this glorious day.
Rode to Middlefork Savanna and back (~65 miles).

Interesting to visit places I'd never go to this time of year if not for the freak weather. Quite beautiful.
I went with 4 friends and toured the Tinley Park trail system. Another beautiful day.
Rolled up to Highland Park with Tominator, etal for lunch at Once Upon A Bagel(oh the disorganization). Then Alex took me on a tour of Middlefork Savvana Forest Preserve. Great weather to see a very cool place.
Clark - Thanks for helping out. It was great to spend the morning helping trees to be healthier. Nice to meet some new faces. Thanks to all the helping hands, the trees look a lot better than they did a few days ago. See you again at another workday.

Clark said:
Took the Rock Island down to Beverly to help Openlands' TreeKeepers prune and mulch the trees in Ridge Park.

We had a nice-sized crew and there was plenty of work for all...thanks to the butcher job that Streets & San had done to beautiful young parkway trees by ignorantly hacking at the various branches. I don't understand how we can give those crews $2 million worth of manpower and equipment...only to have them insensitively chop away at our trees with a chain saw from a cherry-picker. We spent the morning with $20 handsaws correcting their brutality as best we could...when we finished we had a couple dozen trees that stand a chance to grow magnificently for the next 100 years.

Please folks, read an article on proper pruning techniques, buy a cheap hand-saw, and do a little maintenance of the trees on your nearby parkways, particularly while they are young and unformed:
1. Remove broken branches
2. Remove crossing and conflicting branches to establish a strong central leader
3. Raise the lower "platform" branches to establish 7' clearance over sidewalks and 14' clearance over curb lane
Saturday, only a short ride to Jackson Park Harbor to check out the sailing dinghies. Two were ready for Sunday. Then the perfect Sunday actually did arrive for "frostbite" sailing. So... no cycling but match racing at our very tiny club. My wife and I surprised ourselves and everyone by placing first three times, one DSQ, and one loss in five races. Left dry and warm, the real surprise. Fewer good sailing days in November than good cycling days, so I took what was given. Now its back to the bike and autumn commuting. What a weekend.


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