On my ride to work this morning, I saw your bike and had to stop and take a picture. Thank you for making me laugh!


If by any chance, you are a chainlink member, I just thought you should know that your locking method isn't really effective. For future reference, please check out: http://www.jimlangley.net/crank/howtolock.html 




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Considering it's a Wally World Next someone would be doing them a favor by stealing it...
looks like someone already stole part of the seat tube
There was a bike in Lakeview last year locked like this. Stayed in the same spot for a few weeks. Not sure what happened to it.
How do you score this on the stolen bike registry?
if that chain wasn't so rusty I would be tempted to rescue that bike ... LOL

Kevin Conway said:
How do you score this on the stolen bike registry?


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