Planning to start late tomorrow morning from Tiskilwa, IL.  Ride will have a bit of everything:  8-10% grades on gravel and pavement, dirt roads, solid forest to wide open spaces, and some canal path.  Post-ride pizza.


PM me if interested.  

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Love the idea, maybe some other time! Thanks for posting! 

Ended up being 87 miles when I got in last night.  Open to doing a similar ride any day this week except Friday or Saturday (supposed to rain Sat.).  Here's a few pics from Sunday's ride.  They are backwards in chronology, due to the illogical nature of this site's software.

That deer looks kind of fake, due to low light and my taking it on the move, but I assure you it's real.  It's mom and sibling had already bounded off into the waterway at left, but this one was curious.

Dang Mark, looks like you have a great thing going out there.
It could be the beer, but I think I'm salivating...

Keep up the good work.

I'd love to join for a ride like this on some weekend this fall - I work normal days and hours, so weekdays are out, unfortunately.

Any day is fine with me, except Friday.  I think a friend from NW burbs is going to try to come down this weekend.  NWS is now saying Saturday good, Sunday rain, but local TV says the opposite.  By Thursday night or Friday there may be a concensus.


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