46th Ward Residents: Vote for SherMon Plaza - #8 on the Ballot - in Participatory Budgeting

Broadway, Sheridan and Montrose Redesign Highlights

46th Ward Participatory Budgeting Proposals


Intersection Redesign Improves Safety, Creates New Mini-Park, SherMon Plaza


Out of 9 proposals one of the highlights of Alderman Cappleman’s 46th Ward participatory budgeting process is the project for the redesign of the Broadway, Sheridan and Montrose intersection that will improve safety in the intersection and create a new mini-park, SherMon Plaza.


For full information go to: http://www.northsidesafety.org/


Participatory budgeting is a democratic process; community members directly decide how to improve their neighborhood. Alderman Cappleman has invited residents of the 46th Ward to decide how $1 million of this year’s menu money is to be spent through participatory budgeting in the 46th Ward.


For the past 100 years – since 1913 - Broadway has been a problem where it intersects Sheridan and Montrose, one of the most accident-prone intersections in the city.


Pedestrian safety is a concern, as crossing lanes are too long and poorly marked which puts pedestrians in the streets for too much time. Bicycle lanes are nonexistent and cyclists face bewildering choices. For cars turning lanes are poorly marked or absent, traveling straight through is confusing and turning is even worse.


SherMon Plaza is a proposal to stop a century of danger, calm the intersection, decrease accidents, lower road rage, increase the safety for buses, cars, pedestrians and bicyclists, create more open space and improve the local business district with increased foot traffic.


In the process the 46th Ward can create a new people plaza for residents to relax, read, grab a snack, enjoy a coffee or quash a thirst. It can also become the 46th Ward’s welcoming park and signature display point for its branded image.


Stage 1 and 2 which are currently on the ballot will paint the street and close off SherMon Plaza to traffic with fixed or flexible bollards, concrete planters that will be welcoming to pedestrians and rubberized curbs.  The redesign will add curb bulbs at Broadway and Sheridan to narrow the pedestrian crossing and tighten the vehicle turning radius to enhance safety. 

In stage 3 trees, shrubs, benches, tables and brick paving will be added to the future plaza. It will provide for a covered snack and refreshment shack. A sculpture, fountain, or other identity-creating landmark could be added.  If necessary SherMon Plaza could be permanently closed off with concrete curbs and additional trees and planters. This new People Plaza could be part of a holistic plan that encourages the reuse and rebuilding of other property in the area.


SherMon Plaza is loaded with benefits for the entire community, as almost everyone uses this intersection at some point: The intersection calms down, accidents decrease, road rage lowers, there is increased safety for buses, cars, pedestrians and bicyclists, more open space is created and it is a cool space for residents to gather and visitors to see. SherMon Plaza increases foot traffic to the area, increases retail sales by retaining resident dollars, gains new spending from visitors and becomes an additional economic engine to attract new businesses. This safer area requires less in emergency services which saves the city money and deploys services where they are needed more. And, the 46th ward gets a new park and events venue.


Residents of the 46th Ward can vote in-person from Sat., April 27 through Sat., May 4


Only Residents of the 46th Ward who are 16 years of age or older can vote. A proof of residency is required. Voting is in-person only from April 27 through May 4:


You can vote daily at:


Alderman Cappleman's 46th Ward office

4544 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL

Saturday, April 27, 9:00 a.m. to Noon

Closed Sunday

Monday, April 29, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday, April 30, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 1, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, May 2, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Friday, May 3, 9:00 a.m. to Noon

Alderman Cappleman’s office is on the west side of Broadway, ½ block south of the Wilson Red Line Station or the #36 Broadway Bus stop at Wilson. It is 2 blocks west and ½ block south of the #151 Sheridan Bus stop at Wilson.


You can also cast your ballot at:


The Voting Assembly

Uplift High School

900 W. Wilson Ave., Chicago, IL

Saturday, May 4, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Uplift High School is on the north side of Wilson at Hazel, 3 blocks east of the Wilson Red Line Station or the #36 Broadway Bus stop at Wilson. It is 1 block east of the #151 Sheridan Bus stop at Wilson.

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P.S. This is my little puppy. Thanks for voting.

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Great idea. If I lived in the 46th ward, I'd vote for it.

Thank you, Anne. I cannot begin to tell you how much time, energy and effort it took to get this done.

Anne Alt said:

Great idea. If I lived in the 46th ward, I'd vote for it.

The "people plaza" will become yet another trash-strewn, graffiti laden hangout for drug dealers, gangbanging thugs, homeless losers, and the mentally ill who populate Uptown..

Hello 46 ward neighbors!

I was at my 47th ward meeting last night regarding menu funds.

The topic came up about connecting bike lanes/bike blvds and Leland as bike blvd from Western to the lake.

Our alderman and ward office are pushing for more of these.  If neighboring wards work together we could really create a vibrant and safe city wide bike network highlighting bike blvds (they are typically on side streets and give priority to cyclists).

One of the 46th Ward participatory budgeting project proposals includes coordinating bike corridors with other wards and the city's overall plan. 

I was happy to see that the SherMon plaza proposal came in second place in the balloting!

On bike, on foot, or in a car, that intersection is terrifying to navigate. Any change would be an improvement.

Thank you, Eli. Some complained that it would add congestion, but no such thing happened last year when Montrose was repaved and that section was similarly blocked off. 81% of the voters selected SherMon Plaza, a comforting thought. It is a nightmare of an intersection and I am delighted that we can move forward on it and provide for a safer intersection.

Eli Naeher said:

I was happy to see that the SherMon plaza proposal came in second place in the balloting!

On bike, on foot, or in a car, that intersection is terrifying to navigate. Any change would be an improvement.


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