What does everyone do for a living?

I work at a construction company on Ashland and Armitage as a project administrator - where swearing is a way of life, we drink too much coffee, work too hard, and party harder. I also do theatre work, mostly in management, and writing.


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Freelance screen printer/artist...
with a stint at a colour-changing t-shirt shop for the past two years.

occasionally doubling up jobs, i barista somewhere and have been known to teach canning and bread basics in exchange for beer.

and at the screen shop i have the ability to take up other commissions and print them on off-time and i can finish my own projects, which is über-convenient.
Correctional Trades Leader...attempt to show inmates a trade skill and apply in and around the Prison.
No we don't carry guns or batons....the old saying "where the pen is mighter then the shank".
Corrections -"where staff do life on the eight hour installment." Biking is a true stress release.....
Evil Genius bent on world domination.

I am currently recruting evil minions and henchmen.
horseplayer, freak...
Reddog said:
Evil Genius bent on world domination.

I am currently recruting evil minions and henchmen.

Ummm . . . so, do evil minions get weekends off? 'Cause I need my Saturdays.
Henchmen might, but minions dont.
koala said:
Reddog said:
Evil Genius bent on world domination.

I am currently recruting evil minions and henchmen.

Ummm . . . so, do evil minions get weekends off? 'Cause I need my Saturdays.
Chief beancounter and "Royalty Manager" (over there, Queen!) at a theatrical literary rights agency - a brokerage company specializing in foreign-language licensing of American plays overseas. I process foreign theatre royalties, translate accountings and pay the authors, work done telecommuting from home.

This grew out of a bookkeeping service I had in my theatre days in NYC (I was a failed waitress). I also had a gardening service in Brooklyn (biked to jobs) which I'm thinking of starting up again this spring in Edgewater. I do calligraphy jobs, sing, and want to do any kind of writing.

Volunteering: clinic escort, housing women traveling for abortions not available where they live, condo president, founded public speaking club for activists: www.greenspeakers.org, Green party (in NY) county treasurer, steering committee for Green Local, Master Composter, teach workshops on composting, community greening, and one called "Reduce & ReUse - Save Money while Saving the Planet". Am in the book The Murdering of My Years: Artists and Activists Making Ends Meet by Mickey Z.

Would like to be a professional meeting facilitator/moderator or public speaker (Bigmouth). I'd like to teach middle-eastern dance or do photography. I've taught stretching classes. Have a few cockamaimy ideas for fun businesses, including as a pedicab using my Kaplan Chaise Lounger Trailer.

Basically, I'm 43 and have no idea what I want to be.
im a cook/smart ass @ wholefoods in the south loop...
I'm a learning scientist in a grad school trying to develop-adopt-adapt educational/communication technologies that enhance, individualize, accelerate student learning. (My standard elevator speech.) The tech side is less complicated than the pedagogical, "human" side.
Seriously everyone should give this a read. It made me feel pretty sad. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1287382&o=all&op=1&am...
I already posted some stuff about me, but to expand-

I am a Realtor and do many of my showings by bike. About to sell my car (I just posted it on craigslist and the first person to contact me is also a biker and just joined the site)!

Other things I do besides biking include-

Help organize multicultural cultural events with peace loving groups like JMCBI- Jewish Muslim Community Building Initiative, (check it out in Time Out and Huffington Post) , speaking Hebrew, singing, my kitties, and having people over to my house to eat and sleep. My roommate made a facebook group about all the people who I've either lived with or I've hosted at i was/am roommates with Julile Hochstadter or slept at her house. We will have a room for rent soon, fyi.

I live in Ravenswood with 3 roommates and 2 cuddly kitties.
No bike room in your bldg? Maybe you should ask for one. My bldg added one several years ago after many tenant requests.

yellow jello said:
I'm a "Technical Advisor" at an intellectual property law firm in South Loop doing mainly patent prosecution.

I'm mostly a pub-trans commuter now until I get a bike I feel comfortable locking up outside daily.

Anyone have any bike ideas they want to patent?


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