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beautiful looking bike if you can ignore the mysterious cable to nowhere and the missing handlebar grip.

vxla said:
Kevin Mulcky said:
where does that cable route to?

I'm not sure but I'd guess an internal hub or possibly a drum brake.

Looks like a rear drum brake to me. I like the use of sealed metal housing for a super clean look, now if only it had that other grip.

S said:
Kevin Mulcky said:
where does that cable route to?

I'm not sure but I'd guess an internal hub or possibly a drum brake.

I remember that bike from another forum; it does have a drum brake and it is gorgeous.

Andy K> said:
Looks like a rear drum brake to me. I like the use of sealed metal housing for a super clean look, now if only it had that other grip.

S said:
Kevin Mulcky said:
where does that cable route to?

I'm not sure but I'd guess an internal hub or possibly a drum brake.

Yep, it goes to a rear drum brake. Good memory know it from the other forum ;-) It's yellicinellijohn's bike, and a fantastic bike at that.



I built this 650b city/randonneur bike at Doug Fattic's frame building course in Niles Michigan. Duane of Chester Cycles painted it a nice 1960 Triumph shade of silver. I'm in the process of making custom racks for the front and rear. I just finished making a porteur rack for Owen Lloyd's 20" haulin stuff bike. I'd be happy to make you a custom rack too. Custom bicycle.. maybe in the future.
i love the handlebar tape color!
John is a great bike builder. He took that bike on one of our rides before he moved to SF, and it was beautiful to the point of distraction, though he admitted that the drum brake completely sucked. He knows his stuff too. He was probably one of the few people that saw that frame and knew it had Cinelli lugs and Columbus tubing despite being a completely ubscure South American frame. John showed me how to build my first wheel and a great deal about bike building before he took off. Great dude, and great bike builder.

vxla said:
Yep, it goes to a rear drum brake. Good memory know it from the other forum ;-) It's yellicinellijohn's bike, and a fantastic bike at that.

Andrew McComb said:



I built this 650b city/randonneur bike at Doug Fattic's frame building course in Niles Michigan. Duane of Chester Cycles painted it a nice 1960 Triumph shade of silver. I'm in the process of making custom racks for the front and rear. I just finished making a porteur rack for Owen Lloyd's 20" haulin stuff bike. I'd be happy to make you a custom rack too. Custom bicycle.. maybe in the future.
mmmm emx-5
this is boonen's bike with deda zero 100 stem/bars
yes please

Back in '87 saw it and had to get it. With a couple of bikes to choose from I always seem to come back to the Lotus. Only mod is the handlebars the rest is original.


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