It was, what, fifty or so out this morning? Maybe a little below? I wore bike shorts, a t-shirt with a long sleeve over it, gloves, helmet... my muscles felt tight, my ears had sharp pains. Man, I guess I wasn't ready to ride this morning! I didn't consider fifty all that cool when I made the plan to ride at 5am this morning. It was just weird how my body reacted to the "cold". I guess I should be wearing more? Good grief.

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When you say it is a "warzone" Do you mean the streets are bad or the area is high crime, lots of burned out buildings, broken windows, bullet holes in streets signs? Please explain Jamie
Jamie said:
my commute is about 4 miles and it wasn't too bad. legs were cold but that was about it. Damen is a warzone though... it's really sketchy in parts.

M.A.R.K. said:
Bumpity bump bump for NTLBM..

I have not riden yet today.. How was your ride this morning?
I was just talking about the condition of the roads. and there is tons more morning traffic on this new route than I'm used to. thunderdome.
That's like 22nd ave in Kenosha. Lots of potholes, craters that are 9" deep, slipery paint striping along with lots of parked cars. Other bad area is down by the velodrome. Broken concrete, large potholes, broken glass everwhere. Get about 6-10 flat tires in this area a month. Bad area for riding in even running kevlar tires and still get flats!
Jamie said:
I was just talking about the condition of the roads. and there is tons more morning traffic on this new route than I'm used to. thunderdome.
The interesting thing about reading the original post at this time of year is that when the OP says it was 50 degrees and was complaining about the cold, I was thinking oh man what I would do with a 50 degree day! I don't think I'd even come in to work, I'd put on some shorts and ride all day. (Actually I didn't see the date so I was thinking "holy crap where is it 50 degrees around here?")

It was what, 10 degrees this morning? Felt pretty damn good actually. I was wearing a pretty heavy winter coat so I sweated buckets. Sweaty torso, numb toes and ice in my beard. There's nothing like it. :)
Yeah, today's ride was actually quite decent. Maybe it was the lack of an unholy gale that kept me toasty, and allowed me to go the "long" way to work (6 miles instead of 3). With exception of the douche who passed me with inches to spare, honking all the while, it was pretty kickass.
Yeah, I was quite confused initially... I thought I was going insane. 50 degrees... TODAY??? or last fall. OOPS! Stay warm everybody.

Jim Behymer said:
The interesting thing about reading the original post at this time of year is that when the OP says it was 50 degrees and was complaining about the cold, I was thinking oh man what I would do with a 50 degree day! I don't think I'd even come in to work, I'd put on some shorts and ride all day. (Actually I didn't see the date so I was thinking "holy crap where is it 50 degrees around here?")

It was what, 10 degrees this morning? Felt pretty damn good actually. I was wearing a pretty heavy winter coat so I sweated buckets. Sweaty torso, numb toes and ice in my beard. There's nothing like it. :)


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