If you've been reading local biking blogs you probably know about this, but I wanted to post it here to spread the word. In June of this year, Chicago cyclist Clint Miceli was killed when someone in a parked car suddenly opened a door in his path, knocking him off his bike and into the street, where he was run over by a car. Since then, cyclists have gotten together to start the Anti-Dooring Campaign and raise awareness of how dangerous it can be to open car doors without looking.

They've printed these awesome stickers and have been placing them on parking meters around the city. They're giving out more stickers this weekend at NACCC, and they're going to do more sticker rides coming up.

Dooring is something that can affect bikers of all types, and unless you're a biker yourself, you don't know how dangerous it is. We've probably all been doored at some point - I was first doored by a teenage driver just a couple of weeks ago (he laughed after he hit me). If you'd like to help by donating money, placing stickers, or spreading the word to drivers you know, check out the campaign website: http://www.anti-dooring.org.

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An update from the organizers: "If people want to be notified about when we're doing another ride they should send an e-mail to info@anti-dooring.org saying they want to be on the e-mail list and I'll send them an e-mail when we're doing the next ride, or anything else."
crosspost from the other forum:

"3pm [today] I will be hanging out in Palmer's Square (if nice weather), or in the Streetside Cafe down the street at Kedzie and Armitage (if crappy weather). If nice weather, we'll do the same plan as last time - sticker the heck out of things, then anyone that wants to can meet back at the Streetside afterwards for food and drinks. If it's crappy weather, come get your stickers and then just stick them whenever it's nice again."
The Anti-dooring campaign is getting ready to print more stickers, but they cost a bit to print and they're looking for your help. To donate, go to this link. If you can, donate a few bucks - it's a little bit make a big difference in keeping cyclists safe on the streets. Thanks!

This is the new sticker

I was first doored when I was in college. The old lady who hit me was more startled than I was. Fortunately, I was going very slowly, just beginning to accelerate after a stoplight. After I bounced off her door and put my feet down to avoid falling, I said "please be careful and look before you open your door." She sat there looking stunned as I backed up, moved around the open car door and rode off.


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