This route from Chicago to Milwaukee is 99.94 miles, so with a few loops around a parking lot at the finish, you've got yourself a century. I'm not totally sold on an unsupported century, since I like the security of rest stops and a SAG wagon. But the idea of riding to Milwaukee is intriguing if we could get a group together... and if someone's friend/brother/mom can pick us up on the other side.

Here's the link.
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I'm totally down for a Milwaukee ride; those Saturdays don't work for me, so maybe next time.

There's also the Northshore Century in late September. There's some sort of support, and it's a loop so people don't have to worry about finding a way back. It might be an easier way to break in to centuries.
[I'm doing this one for sure.]
I would be down! It would be my first century and I am mostly a commuter with 100 a week.
Since everyone can use as much advanced notice as possible, we'll put this on the calendar for Saturday, September 6th. I'll put it on the Rides & Events calendar as the First Annual Chainlink DIY Century! We'll need everyone's help on the specific route details, suggesting good places for rest stops, the train ride back, and Milwaukee details for anyone who wants to stay over. Stay tuned for more info!
Oh no! i've neglected this thread for too long! Is there any way we could ride on a sunday? otherwise, good luck!
Amtrak Scheduals:

Train Number 330 332 334 336 338 340 342
Days of Operation Mo-Sa Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily
Milwaukee, WI 0 Dp 6:15a 8:00a 10:50a 1:00p 3:00p 5:45p 7:30p
Milwaukee Airport 8 6:26a 8:10a 11:00a 1:100 3:10p 5:55p 7:40p
Sturtevant, WI 24 6:43a 8:23a 11:13a 1:23p 3:23p 6:08p 7:53p
Glenview IL 68 7:25a 9:01a 11:51a 2:01p 4:01p 6:46p 8:31p
Chicago IL CT 86 Ar 7:57a 9:29a 12:19p 2:29p 4:29p 7:14p 8:59p
hi kevin - i picked saturdays because it makes it easier to get back (i.e. not super late on a sunday night), plus there may be people who want to stay over in milwaukee and come back the next day. i'm sorry you can't join us - another time for sure.

Kevin Mulcky said:
Oh no! i've neglected this thread for too long! Is there any way we could ride on a sunday? otherwise, good luck!
I'm actually doing this over Labor Day weekend. A friend of mine and I are riding up on Saturday from Albany Park, and then riding back on Monday. I've already done a round trip solo century on the same basic route- to Kenosha and back. It's slow going because of all the street crossings in the far Northern section of Illinois, but I think it'll be better on the Wisconsin side.
Amtrak doesn't have bike racks on the Milwaukee-Chicago line (WHY?!). This means you need to box your bike and check it. Since I doubt anyone will be bringing their own box, that is $22 (fare) + $10 (baggage) + $15 (box) = $47. Blah. I think I will just bike to Kenosha or Waukeegan and take Metra home for $5.
The ride is now posted on the Rides & Events calendar at this link. If you're going to join us for the ride, please RSVP on the ride page.
envane x said:
Also, there are some quality bike trails you can use rather than taking Sheridan all the way to Kenosha. Although I still don't have a good way to get through North Chicago and Waukegan.

Try this:
I'll put the date on my calendar. I've been meaning to do this ride for some time, and I think that September 6th might be a good time to do it.

The North Shore Century is a good entry century ride, as is the Apple Cider Century in Three Oaks Michigan. The ACC is great fun and I highly advise anyone interested in doing centuries to do it. Last year's was my first century, and though I was tired at the end, the next day I was fine.
Bob Kastigar said:
envane x said:
Also, there are some quality bike trails you can use rather than taking Sheridan all the way to Kenosha. Although I still don't have a good way to get through North Chicago and Waukegan.

Try this:

Yeah, the official trails would be the McClory Bike Trail (which is just a renamed section of the North Shore Bike Path) to the North Shore Bike Path to the Kenosha County Bike Path. The paths are contiguous, so there are no breaks, the trail just changes names.


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