the internet is a amazing tool for getting groups together, sharing indeas and toughts, but i thought it would be nice if all of us on here could get together to meet and greet without a keyboard and screen. i run a bar in the north side (lakeview) area and would be more then happy to arrange everything. just a thought, would love to hear any ideas.

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Well, it's just about cyclocross season....some old-school CX races playing in the background, some nice gear heads and a few stouts sounds like a good idea.
That sounds like a most excellent idea. You just can't beat bikes and beer.
sounds great - what bar?
Sounds great to me. I'm down!
the bar is called the hidden shamrock and is on halsted and diversey, and it shouldn't be a problem at all to acquire privateroom if we would feel so inclined. and i do have to mention p.b.r. drafts are one dollar on thursdays
Count me in!
Thought I'd resurrect this idea... anyone want to meet up next thursday? Mike - will you be there then?
Leah said:
Thought I'd resurrect this idea... anyone want to meet up next thursday? Mike - will you be there then?
Yea sure, that'd work! Hey Leah, we may be doing a ride this week on thursday...check the other message board. If not, we'll have to do this Thursdya's ride, next you could come to that!
I'd be down for a meet and greet with dollar Piggy Back Rides. I'm there!
this thursday as in the 4th? by performance kinda?
Michael Anton Herbert said:
I'm going on the ride tomorrow. If this is going on, I might stop by on my way home to Rogers Park. Here's the deal on the ride from the other forum:
"John has been working too hard lately, and as you know...all work and no play... Meet up at the Logan Square monument on Thursday, Sept. 4 at 6:30pm for a (casual) ride to Portage Park. We can do an impromptu tricks and drinks, cheer the 'ole boy up, and ransack the Portage Park's dairy Queen for all she's worth. Departure is at 6:45pm unless someone can give a better plan."

Thanks for the cross post. Since I'm in charge of this ride, it's to go visit a friend who lives in Portage Park. There are dependencies on rain, so if it rains, I'm (we're?) not doing it. While I don't mind inviting other people, the ride was pretty specific to the people involved in another message board....however, ping me if you're interested. hrvxla {at}
My earlier comment was for next Thursday (not this Thursday) so no conflicts with the Portage Park ride!


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